Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

VACCINES – The Debate Rages On


Vaccines. Are they good, or are they bad? Unfortunately, it is not as simple as that. Both sides of the debate bring valid points, but we must consider these points logically if we aim to make informed decisions about our health.

Of course, we have all seen the media and government push vaccines. Every year, a television or radio campaign discusses the benefits of getting your shots. Many doctors also push them and encourage their patients to be “up to date” on the latest vaccines.

The problem with this is that even within the medical community, you will find highly experienced and educated doctors who are against vaccination. You will also find prestigious peer-reviewed material suggesting they are an issue as well. Not created out of opinion but based on facts, statistics, and peer-reviewed results.

A very good friend once gave me a hard time even bringing up the question. Of course, this friend is not just some person with an uneducated opinion. She is also not prone to propaganda. She is a smart cat. She happens to be an assistant professor of Biological Sciences at a local college. She and I have been friends for a good portion of our lives. She deals with diseases and things of that nature all the time. It is her business. She just so happens to be a proponent of vaccines, and I respect her opinion and position. Yes, even though she is absolutely against the anti-vaccination movement. However, her position comes from her extensive experience, so of course, I will consider it. In fact, I am adding a lot of her positions to this article to help demonstrate both sides effectively.

We agree on many things, though, especially when it comes to politics or even sports. But we disagree on some things as well, like… vaccines. We are literally two educated people approaching the subject from two very different positions. This creates healthy debate, and I love her for it, even though she firmly believes that “the anti-vax movement is completely ridiculous and damaging.”

I want to share all this publicly for a few reasons. 1) I want to demonstrate the importance of debate, 2) I want to illustrate the importance of educated examination, and 3) I want to show you what can be achieved when we think outside of the box… using both sides of the debate.

So the question we need to ponder is: To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? Well, it is just not that simple.

Yes, some vaccines can indeed save lives, and they have been extremely beneficial since their discovery/creation – especially with diseases such as smallpox and when they were made right. Still, some could argue that, as of late, they are becoming a problem. Now, it may come as a shock to some, but I am currently “Anti-Vaccine” – that is, until something changes. Of course, this means that my friend probably lumps me into the category of “ridiculous and damaging” as well. Perhaps you do too, but to explain my position effectively, I need to make the case from both sides. For me, the debate is not simple; I can only imagine that by the time you are done reading this article, it will be the same for you. Bear with me as I attempt to demonstrate the actual issue (at least for me). For this demonstration, I am going to use measles as an example.

Measles is a very contagious (easily spread) illness caused by a virus. Generally considered a childhood infection, once quite common, it is now considered a preventable disease via a vaccine. It tends to be more damaging to adults than children. As far as the United States is concerned, we average about 60 cases of measles a year, most of which originate from outside the country.

Of course, we all know about the recent outbreak of measles. Some people are quick to blame the outbreak on the anti-vaccine movement. This is irresponsible. Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet warned people about the potential outbreak back in mid-2014 due to government policy. As she states, “Now the government that fails to follow its own laws is saying it will mandate that all parents vaccinate their children to protect against the disease it allowed to enter the U.S (Vliet, 2015).” She is absolutely right! Is this ironic? Is this planned? It sure is messed up either way, though, especially considering the following.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) records say it all – few people died of measles in the U.S. between 2004 and 2015. In fact, measles was classified as “eliminated” in 2000. This was a great achievement in modern medicine, for sure. Some will say that vaccines are what eradicated the disease. However, there is not a lot of evidence to support this; but perhaps the vaccine was the proverbial nail in the coffin (giving the benefit of the doubt, of course).

In all fairness, though, CDC statistics also show measles deaths were rare in the U.S. just before the vaccine became widely used. In other words, the decline is more than likely attributed to something else. Also, with the elimination of this disease came exposure to certain truths. This is where the split comes, and it is important to understand that this debate is not an “all or nothing” debate.

At the time of this writing and according to VAERS data (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System), since 2005 there have been 86 deaths from the MMR vaccine – 68 of them were children under the age of 3 years old. Other stats show that 108 people have died as a result of the adverse effects of the vaccine itself. In addition, there have been nearly 2,000 people who were disabled due to the vaccine. These numbers are, of course, only what has been reported and attributed. The truth is that there would be many more if all numbers could be gathered. So we need to compare these numbers to the lack of death from the disease itself during that time. If death does not come from the disease but rather from the “cure” itself, is there a problem?

Even my friend will admit, “There will always be some side effect to any vaccine possible, and in some cases, those side effects are devastating to the individual and possibly cause death at times.” But she brings up a valid point: “just because there is a small chance of a side effect does not mean that everyone should stop using them.” She is right in the idea that there will always be a risk in everything, and we should always weigh the risk of letting kids, or anyone, die or become sick for life because of a disease that could have been, and has been, for years, vaccinated against.

But Dr. Lee Hieb, author of Surviving the Medical Meltdown and the former president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (who has studied vaccines extensively and written about their dangers in several medical journals), explained that the adverse reactions to the vaccines are much more widespread than death from the actual disease (Hieb, 2014). As already demonstrated, the numbers support this. The question we need to be asking ourselves is, “why?”

The reason for this appears to be quite simple. It appears to be due to the chemical makeup of the vaccine itself. Makers of the vaccines put things like dangerous neurotoxins in the vaccines. Depending on the vaccine, you might see things like formaldehyde, aluminum hydroxide, phenoxyethanol, aluminum, and aluminum phosphate. Are these things really necessary? After all, “aluminum is an experimentally demonstrated neurotoxin and the most commonly used vaccine adjuvant,” – according to NCBI (Tomljenovic & Shaw, 2011). What about Thimerosal? Trace amount or not, is mercury in any amount acceptable? What about fetus material?

And if we examine the side effects of some of these vaccines, we can also see other dangers. Vomiting, seizures, serious allergic reaction, erythema, upper respiratory tract infection, shock, brachial neuritis, yeast infection, anaphylaxis, intestinal damage, brain damage, etc. Rare or not, these are usually a result of the chemical concoction, not exposure to a denatured virus. And let us not forget to mention the exposure to other horrific diseases such as cancer. It is now well documented that many people with different types of cancer that were vaccinated for Polio from 1955-1963 can draw a possible relationship between these tumors with the administration of the SV40-contaminated vaccine (CDC, 2007) (Fisher, 1999).

Consider this, the Lancet (arguably the most prestigious medical journal on the planet) reported in 1995, that inflammatory bowel disease (i.e., Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis) is 13 times more prevalent in persons vaccinated for measles. This is significant if you ask me. There are obvious problems associated with the vaccine, or more than likely – it is attributed to the chemical makeup. Keep in mind that this is just one example concerning one vaccine. We are discovering more problems similar to this all the time.

Does the “all things in moderation” debate work here? I do not believe so. Poison is poison, in my opinion. Still, different vaccines carry different risks, and I recognize that. Of course, we also see evidence of autism and GBS as a result of certain vaccines as well. My friend will point out that it has been shown through peer-reviewed scientific research that Thimerosal, for instance, is not linked to autism and that they have been attempting to eliminate it from vaccines. That is fine and may be true, but then why eliminate it if it is not a problem? And pretending for a moment that it is not a problem, then the problem is clearly something else in the vaccine that we need to find. Dr. Vliet says, “even though we have no proof of a causal link between vaccines and autism, it is hard to ignore the anguish families have experienced when a normal, healthy, vibrant child suddenly becomes withdrawn and loses language skills soon after a mandatory vaccine.”

The truth is that if vaccine makers avoided dangerous neurotoxins in their recipes in the first place, they would get much more support. If they would just stick with a “denatured” (fragmented and weakened) form of the virus, I, for one, would be alright with it. But they use toxic materials – these are brain and body poisons. I do not even eat grain because I do not like what it does to my body. Why would I support injecting brain poison or any other kind of toxin into my body in ANY amount? Of course, that leads to the idea of longevity. In some cases, natural immunity is longer-lasting than the immunity gained from vaccination, and the side effects of vaccination can last longer than the benefit of the vaccine itself. Still, perhaps that is a different topic altogether.

Dr. Vliet brings up another great point to consider. She says that “the U.S. has only one company now making the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, with components, such as material from aborted fetuses that make it morally objectionable to some parents. A similar vaccine, without the objectionable components, is available in Japan, but the FDA does not allow it to be imported into the U.S.” She goes on to say that “We must stop blaming parents and face the fact that this measles outbreak has many causes, starting with our own government’s failed policies.” I could not agree more.

Dr. Hieb tells us to ask ourselves whether or not vaccines even work and if they really protect you against disease. That is a great point. If people have been vaccinated, how are they getting infected?

While some vaccines are great for some diseases, not all vaccines share the same success rate. She points out, for instance, that “Smallpox vaccine seems to be nearly universally protective against the very fatal disease of smallpox, and use of vaccine led to the eradication of the disease in the wild. But the dirty little secret in recent outbreaks of mumps, measles, and pertussis is – they are occurring in vaccinated people in highly vaccinated populations (Hieb, 2015)!”

The point is that the “anti-vaxers” have a good claim here on several levels. Furthermore, the “anti-vaxers” are packing a pretty big pile of evidence from some of the most respected sources in the medical community. People should not be so quick to judge them as “reckless” for their decisions because it is not about the vaccine, it is about what is being put into the vaccine, perhaps the lack of effectiveness in certain vaccines, or simply what the effect of taking that vaccine may be. In other words, the position is more than legitimate.

Again, if the vaccine makers could just stick with the fragmented and weakened form of the virus instead of putting junk like mercury or fetus matter in them, there would be a whole heck of a lot less resistance to getting them. If you want the anti-vaxers to jump on the bandwagon… start by creating an “organic” or “clean” vaccine… you will get more support. Even my friend could agree with that. She says that she would be okay with them coming up with some other alternative to what is currently being used and that she is not against change at all; she just wants the change to work.

And that is exactly where she and I meet back up in agreement because that is exactly what the anti-vaxers want as well: something different and something that works. Perhaps both sides of this debate need a change. It does not have to be all or nothing, but there obviously needs to be something because both sides of this issue have valid points. However, until these changes are made, you can count me as one of those who will be highly selective regarding which vaccines I will or will not accept, as well as highly skeptical of the doctors who recommend them.

Further Reading:


This article was originally published as a chapter in the book Natural Health Made Easy: The Briobiotic Protocol (2016)

Dr. Robertson is a health researcher and educator, not a physician. The information provided here is not medical advice, a professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment, or service to you or any other individual. The information provided is for educational and anecdotal purposes only and is not a substitute for medical or professional care. You should not use the information in place of a visit, call consultation, or the advice of your physician or other healthcare providers. Dr. Robertson is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment, diagnosis, or additional information, services, or product you obtain or utilize. IF YOU BELIEVE YOU HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY, YOU SHOULD IMMEDIATELY CALL 911 OR YOUR PHYSICIAN.
