We have taken RELOADED: An American Warning and made it more affordable.
Re-edited for grammar issues originally missed and with different dimensions, you get the same great book with a better price tag. That’s because this title is now being published on the DMR label.
Most American Citizens could not tell you what kind of government we are supposed to have, even though many recited it each day before class. How can someone love something they know nothing about? Our nation is filled with those in uniform who have sworn an oath to support and defend the Constitution but could not tell you what Article 4 Section 4 says or any other Article for that matter.
How can someone defend something they know nothing about? Many in this nation could not recite the Bill of Rights without the need to look them up. How can someone exercise a Right that they know nothing about? Ignorance is defined as “lack of knowledge or information” This more than sums up a large portion of Americans today in regard to the important things. The question is: Are you one of the informed, or one of the ignorant?
History is beginning to repeat itself once again. Can you guess were these ignorant masses are going to end up? RELOADED – An American Warning is yet another chance intended to provide intellectual separation from those deemed the “low information” masses. The ideas in this book may scare you, but we must confront these problems head-on. There are many problems we face these days, but you must remember one thing: Before we can receive the right answers about what to do, we must first be willing to ask the right questions about what is wrong. This is your American Warning.
Some Examples of What People Are Saying:
- ETRUSCAN January 27, 2016 – Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
“Great book. A must read for everyone!!! The contents of this book pertain to every single person on earth.” - Alan January 12, 2016 – Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
“This book is unbelievable! Good read!” - Andrea January 28, 2015 – Format: Hardcover|Verified Purchase
“Excellent book. Loads of information in easy to understand words. A must read.” - Average Rating: 4.9 out of 5 Stars – Read More Reviews by Clicking Here
David’s Favorite Review Thus Far…
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- Youtube: A live show and chat
- Podcast: Talking about the topics within the book and current events
- Repeaters: David and/or his work has been cited, referenced or featured on many National Radio Stations, newspapers, and websites like Education News, The X22Report, The Orange Country Register, Investment Watch Blog, Before It’s News, The Daily Coin, and many more.
- Conferences: Speaking engagements and Seminars
Product Details
- Print Length: 348 pages
- ISBN: 978-0692930991
- Publisher: DMR Publications
- Publication Date: August, 2017
- Original Publisher and Date: AuthorHouse, January 17, 2014
- Language: English