Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Job Hunting? Socratic AI Prompt Engineering


The current job market can be overwhelming, leaving many job seekers uncertain about where they truly fit in. If you’re currently looking for a job but struggling to identify the positions that match your qualifications and skills, fear not! With the power of Socratic AI Prompt Engineering (SAPE), you can use artificial intelligence to your advantage. In this article, I will guide you through the process of using ChatGPT prompts to determine what jobs you qualify for and how to craft a compelling cover letter that will impress any employer.

First, let me explain ‘Socratic AI Prompt Engineering.’ This is a term that I have coined to help explain this process, so you will likely not find it in the popular lexicon. Nonetheless, it refers to designing and crafting prompts or questions for an AI system that follows the principles of the Socratic method. The Socratic method is a philosophical approach to teaching and learning, popularized by the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates, which involves asking thoughtful and probing questions to stimulate critical thinking and encourage deeper exploration of a subject.

In the context of AI, prompt engineering involves formulating queries or input instructions designed to guide the AI model toward producing more insightful, reflective, and thought-provoking responses. The idea would be to encourage the AI to think deeply, analyze different perspectives, and reason logically, much like how Socratic questioning is meant to challenge individuals to think critically and arrive at their conclusions.

Now, what I am about to provide is not even remotely close to the full depth of what SAPE can do or even the full scope of what SAPE truly is. However, you can use some of the basic principles of this method to land a great job that you are qualified to fill. Considering the job current job market, I felt compelled to share this. So, with that out of the way, we can get to business. You will need to do a little legwork to get the best results. This legwork involves just a few steps.

The First Prompt

Before diving into the job hunt, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your qualifications. This step will ensure you’re targeting roles aligning with your skills and experience. Doing so will increase the odds that your land the job you seek. Moreover, it will provide the materials necessary for the more advanced steps that will follow.

To begin, copy and paste the following prompt into a blank Word document:


Act like a job recruiter and career coach, an expert consultant aiding job seekers in securing an ideal position with a quality company. Evaluate the following work history and education profile and then perform the following tasks:

1. Answer the question, “Generally speaking, what are my qualifications and skills that make me an ideal candidate for a job?”

2. Answer the question, “What job roles or opportunities align with my qualifications and skills, and how can I find them?” Identify and list the ideal roles in ranking order.

3. Based on your recommendations, provide me with an ideal resume that defines the most critical responsibilities for each position and highlights my skills and achievements.

4. Is there anything I should add?

5. Is there anything I should omit?

Here is my work history:


Here is my education:


Here are my skills as I see them:



Now, type out your work history (or copy and paste it from your resume) where it says [PLACE WORK HISTORY HERE]. You will type out your work history and then delete [PLACE WORK HISTORY HERE]. Be as extensive as you can. Don’t worry; you will not be using most of it. However, the additional information provides necessary contexts to pull from. Be sure to include your responsibilities in each job along with the role description of each position. If it makes it easier, copy and paste your profile from a job-related site like Indeed or LinkedIn.

From there, write out your education history. You can include special classes if you like. Including majors, minors, and certificates would be a good idea. It’s also a good idea to include any special licenses or certifications. Then delete [PLACE EDUCATION HISTORY HERE].

Do the same for your skills. Be creative and be fair to yourself. Many people miss the mark on this step. If you cannot think of many, that’s okay. This prompt will help you to identify some. Once you’re done, delete [LIST SKILLS HERE].

Now you should be looking at a single document comprised of the provided prompt, your work history, your education, and your skills. Make whatever tweaks you deem necessary. Try to emphasize what you’ve done and what you think you’re good at. For example, you may have had a role not traditionally associated with that job. Be sure to include it.

Select everything in that Word document (CTRL+A). Then copy everything (CTRL+C). Then paste it into ChatGPT (CTRL+V). Now, hit “enter.” You should see ChatGPT begin to work. Once done, you will highlight the response and copy and paste that response into a new Word document and work accordingly. By the way, you should probably save the response because you will likely be making tweaks, and you will likely need it in the following steps.

For clarity, by phrasing your prompt this way, you prompt the AI to explore your unique strengths and talents, highlighting specific aspects that can make you stand out as a job candidate. However, you should notice that it thought of some skills you might have overlooked.

Once you’ve received the AI-generated response, carefully analyze the qualifications and skills mentioned. At this point, you make whatever tweaks you like. Either way, you should have a strong understanding of what kind of jobs you should be looking for, and you’ll have the material necessary to build your resume and cover letter.

For your resume, you can go to websites like Canva to find a nice-looking resume template and fill it in accordingly. I would also recommend updating your resume on your job boards and LinkedIn profile.

Drafting Your Cover Letter

Now that you know what ponds to fish in, and assuming you still have the previous response, you can begin looking for jobs in the areas that you best qualify for. LinkedIn,, ZipRecruiter, CareerBuilder, and SimplyHired are great places to start because they automate much of the process. More importantly, they have “Quick Apply” options.

Now, let’s say you have found a job or two that interests you. You can now use ChatGPT once again to really hone in. To do this, you will want to open a new Word document. Then you will want to copy and paste the following:


I am thinking about applying for a job. Act like a job recruiter and career coach, an expert consultant aiding job seekers in securing an ideal position with a quality company. Evaluate the following job description, work history, and education profile, and then perform the following tasks:

1. Answer the question on a scale from 1 to 10, 10 being “The Most Qualified” and 1 being “The Least Qualified,” overall and generally speaking, and using a single number, where would you rate or rank me for this position based on what I have provided?

2. Based on the job description provided, what qualifications or requirements do I not meet?

3. Draft a concise cover letter to a hiring manager that generally fits your recommended roles. However, write this cover letter to reflect what a professional hiring manager would like to hear from their ideal candidate.”

Here is the job description:

[Copy/Paste the Entire Job/Position Description Here]

Here is my work and education history:

[Place your Modified Resume (provided in the previous step) or Previous Response Here]


Now you should have a page with the prompt, the job description, and the resume. Same as before. Copy what you’ve just created. Go to ChatGPT, and paste it into the input area. Then hit enter.

You should have received your answers and can make your decisions accordingly. Either way, after receiving the AI-generated materials, review and refine them to add a personal touch and ensure it reflects your unique voice. Avoid overly complex language or jargon and aim for clarity and conciseness. Remember, you need these materials to be an authentic representation of yourself, so don’t just run with the response you’ve been provided.

So, that’s about it! Thanks to the power of Socratic AI Prompt Engineering, you now have an almost foolproof method for identifying jobs that align with your qualifications and crafting a top-notch resume and cover letter to help you land it. Personally, I enjoy this process because you can see your strengths and weaknesses, which will help you speak to them better in the cover letter and interview.

With all that said, I want you to understand that “Ghost Jobs” are a problem. You likely will not land that job, no matter how awesome your resume and cover letter are. The best advice there might be to review this article.

Disclaimer: While AI can be a valuable tool, it is essential to complement its insights with your judgment and expertise. Always verify the AI’s information and tailor it to your unique circumstances before taking action. Good luck with your job search!

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