Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

A Forecast of Collapse Based on History


There is an ‘Echo of Empires’ that we should be mindful of. Indeed, history repeats, providing essential insights into our present and future. I’ll just be blunt and say that the United States is not immune from the cycles of history, nor the political manipulations that ensure their continuation. Sure, we could compare the United States with other nations of the past. Still, more than that, we must try to recognize the clear warnings of decline and the potential for collapse rather than simply accept it as a direct correlation or outcome.

Indeed, there is always a threat to consider. For example, the World Economic Forum has recently warned of various global risks to look for. Another example might be how F.B.I. Director Christopher Wray recently warned that the United States is facing an unusually high level of security threats, with growing concerns about terrorism, cybercrime, foreign interference in elections, and espionage by hostile nations. And the list goes on. However, while all of this might be true, I would argue that our real problems are a little closer to home.

The economic instability, political fragmentation, the rise of extremist movements, and failures of leadership paint a very concerning picture of potential collapse here in the States – if current trends continue. Accordingly, I would like to paint a picture of that result because these things have led to the demise of many powerful empires before us. Understanding these patterns, presentations, and outcomes allows us to make informed predictions and offers guidance on how to avoid a similar fate. For today’s example, we’ll focus on the Weimar Republic and Rome.

Economic Instability: The Weimar Hyperinflation and U.S. Inflation

The Weimar Republic is infamous for its hyperinflation in the early 1920s when the German mark became nearly worthless. However, I want you to understand that this economic disaster was fueled mainly by reparations payments, the loss of productive territory, and poor fiscal policies. If you think of these points objectively, you’ll notice some odd correlations to our situation today. Of course, the resulting inflation eroded public trust in financial institutions, leading to widespread poverty and social unrest. This mixture ultimately resulted in events that would change the world forever (WWII).

In America, inflationary pressures have been rising, exacerbated by high levels of government debt, massive monetary expansion, and economic inequality. Reparations are also now a topic of conversation despite its underpinnings being entirely contorted. Of course, this point merely highlights the utter ignorance of so many. Meanwhile, homelessness is on the rise, and social conflict is becoming more common. I could go on, but the parallels are striking. We should consider these as clues. Furthermore, if the underpinning factors are not corrected, the resulting economic reality could lead to severe societal disruption and potentially even hyperinflation.

Political Fragmentation: From the Weimar Republic to the U.S. Today

Understand that political fragmentation has always been a hallmark of collapse. This was also true in Rome and the Weimar Republic, where a lack of consensus among moderate parties led to a series of unstable governments. This fragmentation allowed extremist parties, and in the case of the Weimar Republic, the Nazis, to gain power by exploiting public disillusionment. That point is a warning sign as well because it has presented itself as a precursor many times throughout history.

It could easily be argued that political polarization in the United States has reached levels not seen since the Civil War. Sure, one might be tempted to blame deceptions associated with social media or even 5th Generation Warfare. However, regardless of who is to blame, the inability of the major parties to work together, combined with increasing populism and radicalism on both sides of the political spectrum, threatens the stability of democratic governance. If this fragmentation continues, it will likely create a vacuum of power or an excessive unbalancing of power that extremist movements could (and likely will) exploit. In fact, one could argue that this is already happening. Either way, if fully realized, the outcome is entirely predictable.

The Rise of Extremism: Weimar, Rome, and the U.S.

Nations rise and fall, and the Weimar Republic (and even Ancient Rome) has been in the news lately as an example to be mindful of. Indeed, we should pay attention because both the Weimar Republic and the late Roman Republic experienced the rise of extremist movements as a response to economic hardship and political dysfunction. In Weimar Germany, the Nazis capitalized on widespread discontent, promising to restore national pride and economic stability. Similarly, in Rome, the increasing power of populist leaders like Julius Caesar led to the eventual downfall of the Republic.

In the U.S., growing political extremism, driven by various factors such as economic inequality, cultural divides, and distrust in institutions, poses a very specific threat. Indeed, there are numerous examples of this. For example, consider the alienation and targeting of patriots or the weaponization of the LBGTQ+ movement. Better yet, consider how those with Marxist sympathies have capitalized on widespread discontent, promising to restore economic stability if they are given more power. Regardless, I want you to understand that if these movements continue to gain momentum and we move further away from our Constitutional values, they will absolutely destabilize the country further, leading to authoritarianism or even civil war.

Leadership Failures: Lessons from History

Let’s continue the theme. Leadership failures played a crucial role in the downfall of both the Weimar Republic and the Roman Empire. In Weimar, the inability of leaders to address the economic crisis and unite the country against the threat of extremism that opposed its national identity led to the Republic’s collapse. In Rome, the failure of the Senate to adapt to the changing political landscape and the rise of dictatorial leaders like Caesar contributed to the fall of the Republic.

In the U.S., the erosion of public trust in leadership and ineffective governance mirrors these historical patterns. While a dictator has yet to emerge, one can note the power being amassed by key government players. Moreover, the economic crisis is being deliberately exacerbated, only fueling discontent among the people. Without strong, unifying leadership – leadership that values foundational principles and can address the underlying economic and social issues – the U.S. absolutely risks following a similar path of decline.

The Strategic Forecast: Potential for Collapse and Civil War

Sure, I could go on regarding any of these topics, and hopefully, you have found yourself being critical of the fact that I should have discussed another topic. However, that’s the point. Given these historical parallels, we cannot dismiss the potential for the United States to face a significant collapse or even civil war in the very near future. In fact, if current trends continue—rising inflation, political fragmentation, growing extremism, and leadership failures—the country is likely to enter a period of severe instability very soon.

Scientific and professional models appear to support this conclusion. One can note my previous article discussing Dr. Barbara Walter’s Civil War predictions. Better yet, the “Adversity Nexus” suggests that we are moving rapidly into the “Adversity” phase, where stagnation and safety give way to renewed challenges that could trigger widespread societal upheaval. We can also consider the recent study by the Canadian government titled “Disruptions on the Horizon,” which described the possibility of “U.S. ideological divisions, democratic erosion, and domestic unrest escalate, plunging the country into civil war.” Clearly, it’s not just me discussing this possibility. Of course, we should also understand that any government attempts to maintain control through war or other means would only exacerbate these issues rather than resolve them. In fact, I’m not sure that point can even be debated at this point.

The Economic Focus

The Erosion of the Dollar and the Drain on Public Resources

One of the problems fueling this issue is economic hardship. Unfortunately, most people don’t fully understand the root cause – largely due to financial illiteracy. The value of the U.S. dollar has been in a state of gradual erosion for over a century, with its purchasing power significantly diminished since about 1913. A combination of inflationary policies, excessive government spending, and currency devaluation through monetary expansion has driven this (deliberate) decline.

However, I need you to understand that the erosion of the dollar’s value is not merely an abstract economic concept but a tangible force that affects the daily lives of ordinary Americans – particularly through the drain of resources orchestrated by the central bank, governmental institutions, and corrupt politicians. This only goes one of two ways. It either gets fixed, or it gets worse. The current trajectory suggests that it’s going to get worse, and we know this because there is currently no initiative in place or planning to reestablish or bolster the dollar’s value and few have expressed interest in trying to course correct.

The Erosion of the Dollar’s Value

Again, your economic stresses were no accident. Since the establishment of the Federal Reserve, the U.S. dollar has lost over 96% of its purchasing power – on purpose. Indeed, that can be difficult to wrap your mind around. Regardless, you are living the result. However, you need to understand that the government benefits from eroding the dollar’s value by reducing the real value of its debt obligations, making it easier to finance spending through inflation while indirectly taxing the public by diminishing its purchasing power. It’s a perfect storm that results in poverty for you and an increase in their power for them.

While both the government and media would like to tell you that this decline is moderate in most years, and some might argue that the devaluation is even beneficial, the truth is that this erosion compounds over time to significantly reduce the value of your money. Just look at your life and tell me if you’re the winner in that game. Unfortunately, we are simply at the end of that road because you can only erode a dollar for so long before it becomes worthless.

Let’s look at this another way. The dollar has lost 96% of its purchasing power since 1913. But inflation is still a big issue today. However, this means that inflation is still very much eroding the remaining 4%. At the same time, this means that prices for goods and services increase because each unit of currency buys less, and savings held in cash lose value because their purchasing power diminishes, leading to higher interest rates, affecting borrowing costs and investment returns. Ultimately, this storm impacts consumer spending, business investment, and overall economic stability. The sad part is that you’re being conditioned to see it all as corporate greed. It’s bigger than that, and the politicians trying to sell you that nonsense are likely complicit on some level.

The gold standard, which once provided a stable foundation for the dollar, was abandoned in 1971, allowing for the unrestricted printing of money. This shift has led to periods of high inflation, such as in the 1970s and, more recently, a surge in inflation following the economic policies enacted during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. Again, this wasn’t an accident – it was policy – a deliberate act. However, I want you to understand that this money went somewhere other than your pocket, and your money is losing more of its value daily.

Understand that if you continually erode something, eventually, it goes away. The dollar is in trouble. Accordingly, the world has begun to see the emergence of the “de-dollarization” and BRICS movements. After all, other nations have been subjected to the same theft the American people have been subjected to, and just like the American people, they are sick of it. Hence, they aim to fix their situations. The question is, what will this mean for the American people? And the answer is nothing good.

However, this really only leaves America with a few limited options:

  1. Continue down the same path and hope it works out.
  2. Reestablish the dollar’s value, likely requiring the dismantling or extreme limiting of the very institutions responsible for its devaluation.
  3. Eliminate the dollar and replace it with something else.

However, the powers that be probably have their own plans for such a scenario—plans that are likely unconstitutional and will not benefit the people, at least not without their active involvement and influence. One such example might be the C.B.D.C. or Central Bank Digital Currency – something already underway.

As you can probably see, none of these options are ideal for the American people, as they would all require significant shifts in how we approach our economy. The reality is especially concerning given most Americans’ widespread lack of monetary literacy. Nonetheless, I want you to remember that as the dollar weakens, the cost of living rises, eroding the real income of workers and squeezing the middle class – including the business owners simply trying to do good things in your community but being rubbed out by the mega-corporations. At the same time, essential goods and services become more expensive, savings lose value, and debt becomes more burdensome. Again, just look around, then ask yourself, what comes next?

We are heading for a wall. The sad part is that this dynamic disproportionately affects those with fixed incomes or limited financial resources, widening the gap between the wealthy and the rest of society. Ultimately, and as we’ve seen in recent years, this is used as a distraction to scapegoat the ‘haves’ for the ‘have-nots,’ which only furthers the division while distracting the people from even looking at those who have decided to destroy our dollar in the first place.

The Drain on Public Resources

It’s also important to understand that the erosion of the dollar is exacerbated by the actions of governmental institutions and corrupt politicians who often engage in policies that further drain resources from the public rather than addressing the underlying economic issues. Excessive taxation, deficit spending, and the creation of unfunded liabilities contribute to the fiscal burden on citizens. For example, programs like Social Security and Medicare, while essential for many, are financially unsustainable in their current form, creating long-term obligations that will require massive tax increases or benefit cuts (or both). The solution here is simple, but most Americans are not going to willfully give up their unconstitutional benefits. Of course, this issue is only going to get worse due to the fallout of the inevitable population decline.

Additionally, government bailouts of large corporations, especially during financial crises, often prioritize the interests of the wealthy and powerful over those of ordinary citizens. These bailouts are typically funded by your money. Yet, the benefits rarely trickle down to the average worker, creating a system where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few at the expense of the many. But think about it. When this happens, your government representatives take your money and give it to their corporate and banking buddies. That’s a clue.

Corrupt politicians exacerbate these problems by prioritizing short-term gains and political expediency over long-term economic stability. In other words, it’s not about the people or the health of this nation. Instead, it’s about personal gain and power. Whether through mismanagement, nepotism, or outright corruption, these leaders often divert resources away from productive uses and into wasteful or self-serving projects. This drains the public coffers and undermines trust in government institutions, leading to further economic instability and division – especially when followers of these corrupt individuals are rewarded for their followership, and the opposition is targeted and punished for their beliefs or views.

The Consequences of Inaction

Understand that if these economic factors are not addressed immediately, the continued erosion of the dollar’s value, combined with the draining of resources by governmental institutions and corrupt politicians, could lead to a severe economic crisis. In many ways, it’s already here. Unfortunately, most simply don’t know ‘how‘ to see it. Even worse, many don’t want to see it.

Regardless, this ensuing crisis could manifest in several ways. However, we should expect some level of hyperinflation, a collapse of the social safety net, and a worsening of widespread poverty and unrest. The parallels with the Weimar Republic (and other nations) are there: unchecked inflation, economic inequality, and a disillusioned populace create fertile ground for extremist movements and authoritarianism. The clock is ticking.

The Solution is Simple – But Will Be Avoided Until It’s Forced

If we want to avoid this outcome, significant reforms are needed to stabilize the dollar, reduce the fiscal burden on citizens, and eliminate corruption within government. Similarly, a true correction will require realigning with Foundational principles and rethinking governmental collaboration with a central bank. Without such measures, the U.S. risks following the same path as other fallen powers and/or a rise of authoritarianism, where economic mismanagement and corruption lead to the eventual collapse of society – or a completely totalitarian state.

This would also be a good time to remind my readers about the vast amounts of wealth some of our corrupt leaders have acquired from nations they often note as our adversaries. Meanwhile, they target and point to their opposition as tyrants, all while they double down on the policies that make your life worse. Be mindful of your loyalties, and recognize the false choice of the party system.

Steps to Avoid a Similar Outcome

If we truly want to avoid a similar outcome to that of the Weimar Republic or the Roman Empire, we can take several strategic steps.

  1. Addressing the root causes of inflation and economic inequality is crucial. This includes prudent fiscal policies, reducing national debt, and ensuring equitable access to economic opportunities.
  2. Bridging the political divide is essential to stabilize governance. This requires efforts to foster bipartisan cooperation, reduce polarization, and strengthen democratic institutions. However, this also means having discussions with your neighbors and knowing that the true divide should be between you and the government/banks.
  3. Efforts must be made to counter extremist ideologies. However, this is likely not what you might think it is. Specifically, we should consider any ideologies (left or right) not aligned with the Constitution and Bill of Rights as ‘extremist.’ Then, we should act accordingly.
  4. The U.S. needs leaders who can unite the country, restore trust in institutions, and effectively address its complex challenges. However, remember that leadership is measured in relation to the vision. In the U.S., the ‘vision’ is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Hence, any leader bringing closer to the Constitution and Bill of Rights should be seen as good, and any leader taking us further away (regardless of their reasoning) should be seen as bad.
  5. Similarly, anyone advocating or proactively destroying or subverting Constitutional principles or direction should be seen as a true adversary to this great nation. However, this would also require the people to actually know and understand the Constitution.
  6. Educating the public about the dangers of complacency and the importance of active civic engagement is vital to safeguarding the Republic. However, we must all understand that significant damage has already been done. This will not be an easy task.
  7. Term limits, succession options, sundown laws, lobbying laws, gold-backed or decentralized currency, and H.R. 25 must be examined, promoted, and adopted. This will help to root out corruption, ensure integrity in governmental processes, and help to reestablish civilian powers.

While a complete societal collapse is not inevitable, I would say that the risk is substantial (and growing) if current trends are not reversed. However, the question might be, do we see anyone of influence taking these measures seriously? Would any such measures have the support necessary to see them through?

I think my readers know the unfortunate reality. Most people are still in denial or don’t know what is happening around them. Hence, the logical conclusion is that if the various’ causes’ are not reversed or eliminated, the ‘effects’ will continue to worsen. This ‘worsening’ typically leads to one outcome, and this truth informs the statistical probability of the following strategic forecast. We should plan accordingly.

If History Be A Guide

Indeed, the histories of other fallen civilizations offer valuable lessons for the United States. I have merely provided a couple of many to choose from. However, the point is that no nation is immune from collapse, and the collapse of most nations resides in recurrent themes. By understanding the warning signs and understanding the steps necessary to address them, we can get a pretty good idea of what will be and how it will present.

Strategic Probability of Collapse

We must start with a baseline. Considering these factors—economic instability, political fragmentation, the rise of extremism, and leadership failures—the strategic probability of a significant collapse in the United States within the next few years or decades should be considered moderate to high if current trends are not reversed. Similarly, I would argue that the probability of collapse could be further exacerbated by external factors, such as global economic shocks, environmental crises, or geopolitical conflicts, which could accelerate the decline.

This forecast is essentially broken down into two parts: the probability of a significant struggle leading to collapse and the probability of the total collapse itself. For clarity, understand that ‘collapse’ is not the same as the various struggles preceding it. They are two different events. Hence, we should evaluate both in their own contexts.

The Struggles Preceding Collapse

Given the current trajectory and historical parallels, I would argue that the probability of significant struggles—such as economic depression or civil war—should be estimated to begin from 40% to 60% in the next several years (and that’s being generous). This range reflects the decline of the dollar’s value, growing risks associated with economic instability, political fragmentation, erosion of foundational or constitutional principles, rising extremism, and leadership failures, all of which will likely escalate into more severe conflicts or crises that push our society toward collapse. Of course, if you add in the potential accuracy of historical recurrence, this percentage only increases.

Similarly, we must note the desire and attempts of current power structures (left and right) to force compliance with unAmerican initiatives and unconstitutional measures are increasing. In the event of upheaval, it should be assumed that current power structures will attempt to force compliance and cohesion. Of course, this makes the true divide one between the government and the people, but the people will likely be the last to truly understand this. Hence, if no substantial changes are made to realign us with Constitutionalism in the near future, and if these issues worsen, we should understand that the probability of these outcomes only increases.

Three Potential Collapse Scenarios

The collapse itself is a little harder to put a finger on. Indeed, many scenarios could play out. However, we can narrow these down using probabilities and Occam’s Razor. In that, I have three potentials worthy of examining.

Scenario #1: The current struggles ignite an immediate desire to make the necessary corrections before it turns into collapse. This is to say that our current (and coming) adversity and challenges act as catalysts, igniting a common desire for improvement and realignment with foundational principles. These difficulties prompt individuals and entities to seek solutions and true progress toward the realization of core values, to reestablish the value of our money, and to proactively work toward liberty and economic stability. This desire then leads to the emergence of truly transformative leaders who challenge unconstitutional norms and encourage the necessary corrections to resolve these pressing issues.

This scenario is not impossible. However, it is currently highly unlikely. The adversity we currently face has not reached a level that would prompt any such desire, and the reality of our situation has yet to reach any widespread awareness (due to a lack of real journalism). The exacerbated fractioning of our society evidences this, making reversibility of our current trajectory exceptionally difficult.

Similarly, we need to understand that these struggles are still being lied about and covered up, movements rooted in unconstitutional underpinnings are spreading, and people are still being distracted from the root cause. Similarly, media has a strong influence over believability, and a general ignorance persists among the people. Hence, many will likely not see the truth of the situation until it gets further down the road, which pretty much eliminates this scenario from immediate consideration.

Scenario #2: There are a few ways to think about this scenario. The first is that a potential exists for outside powers to simply acquire control or influence over the United States – leaving more of a pseudo-American nation that is controlled by outside powers. While some might argue that such a scenario is highly unlikely, I think it would be wise to consider the politicians whose political underpinnings align well with nations that strongly desire this outcome (Marxist or Communist leaders). Similarly, it might also be wise to examine the sources of wealth that such politicians have amassed during their careers (Marxist or Communist nations).

The second might simply be an emboldened anocracy, where leaders are beholden to corporate, banking, or globalist influences, wielding disproportionate influence over governance and decision-making mechanisms over our own Constitution and people. Sound familiar? Indeed, technically, we are already here, but what I am referring to is simply an exacerbated form of it. Of course, if you can concede to this reality, you must surely concede to its potential aftermath.

The third is a mixture of the preceding. This potential seems highly likely – where our leaders are beholden to corporate, banking, or globalist influences that are controlled by foreign nations (such as China or Russia or some international conglomerate). In fact, we should probably consider this to be an increasing potential.

Another element to consider on this one is that if the American people do attempt to correct the problem on their own, existing powers in the United States might seek support from such outside nations, institutions, and corporations to help fund (or actively help) their compliance battles against the people. Of course, this would ultimately ensure outside control or influence. However, the good news is that the resulting policies are typically unsustainable and will ultimately collapse under their own weight in time (think of the U.S.S.R.: 1922–1991), which will likely lead to the third scenario anyway.

Scenario #3: The total ‘natural collapse‘ of the United States, where the nation simply fragments across various lines after significant struggles related to the previous attempts to force cohesion and compliance. This scenario would ultimately result in the creation of several smaller nation-states. Essentially, this turns the United States into something that resembles Europe or South America.

Exacerbating these potentials is the utter ignorance of the people. Interestingly, our Founders warned (repeatedly) of the dangers of ignorance. Of course, this is self-evident at this point. One can simply note the growing disassociation between the citizenry and education and, by extension, government participation in recent years.

Unfortunately, that mix typically results in one outcome. Furthermore, from a historical point of view, such ignorance makes any significant reversal highly unlikely while simultaneously ensuring tyrannical rule. And on that note, it might be wise to consider the recent policies, laws, and security measures that resemble more of a communist nation than that of any nation rooted in ‘liberty,’ as well as the support for such measures by the ignorant masses. After all, are we really the land of the free?

Either way, if current trends continue without significant changes, and depending on the outcomes related to the preceding struggles, it seems that the probability of a complete societal collapse in the United States (at least as we know it) likely begins in the range of 30% to 50% within the next few decades (depending on the outcome of the preceding struggle). However, it should also be noted that the timeline and the probability increase as the divisions, distractions, and unconstitutional measures increase. A major war with an adversarial nation might also alter this trajectory to some degree.

DROPDOWN: Do the Math Yourself

I want you to understand that I’m not just pulling these numbers out of the air. I’m using several equations and statistical models to inform these probabilities. You are welcome to do the math yourself. If you do, you will see that I have been a little more than generous with my numbers.

Below are a few equations to consider. However, I was not able to provide you with my ‘System Dynamics Model,’ which is used to model feedback loops contributing to these issues. However, you can do this yourself by using the following: Additionally, you can also use various statistical models with the numbers found below by using the following site:

Weighted Probability Model

A basic approach would involve assigning weights to different factors (e.g., economic instability, political fragmentation, extremism) based on their perceived impact on societal collapse and then summing these probabilities.

  • Economic Instability (E): Weight = 0.4
  • Political Fragmentation (P): Weight = 0.3
  • Rise of Extremism (R): Weight = 0.2
  • Leadership Failures (L): Weight = 0.1

These weights represent the influence of each factor on the overall probability. The total probability P(Collapse) can be calculated as:

P(Collapse) = (E × W_E) + (P × W_P) + (R × W_R) + (L × W_L)

Where W_E, W_P, W_R, and W_L are the weights assigned to each factor.

Bayesian Probability

Another approach is Bayesian probability, where we update our probability estimates as new information becomes available. For example:

P(Collapse | Economic Instability) = [P(Economic Instability | Collapse) × P(Collapse)] / P(Economic Instability)

This equation allows you to update the probability of societal collapse given new data about economic instability, political fragmentation, or other factors.

Risk Assessment Models

Risk assessment models, such as Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), assign scores to the likelihood, severity, and detectability of potential risks (in this case, societal collapse). The Risk Priority Number (RPN) is calculated as:

RPN = Likelihood × Severity × Detectability

Example Conceptual Equation:

P(Collapse) = Σ (W_i × F_i)

Where W_i is the weight of factor i, and F_i is the probability of that factor contributing to societal collapse.

These frameworks can help create a structured approach to estimate the probability of collapse based on various indicators, though they still require subjective judgment in assigning weights and interpreting data. Hence, I would recommend using more than one before forming any conclusions.

A Call for Urgent Action

Indeed, the U.S. appears to be on a precarious path, with a significant probability of facing immense struggles and even potential collapse if corrective actions are not swiftly implemented. As previously mentioned, it is the ‘echo of empires.‘ Sure, the historical parallels with the Weimar Republic and the fall of Rome warn of what could transpire if the nation fails to address its underlying issues. However, I think a more honest assessment might suggest that these parallels align more closely with the trajectory of the U.S.S.R., where internal divisions, economic turmoil, and leadership failures not only led to collapse but were preceded by a profound, prolonged, and severe restructuring of the political order. Just something to consider.

While there is still time to change course, I would argue that the window for action is narrowing significantly. I’ll just be blunt and say that without significant economic, political, and REAL leadership reforms – reforms that realign us with foundational principles – the U.S. is at risk of following the same fate as other great powers – powers that have collapsed under the weight of their internal contradictions. Be mindful of what you advocate for and support. All is not as it seems, and the conditioning is very real.

And to that point, I will close with a simple concept. Yes, there will undoubtedly be some who might argue that the severity of these issues is not as dire as I have portrayed them. They are absolutely entitled to their opinions, and I support the discourse. After all, I would truly love to be wrong. However, my retort is simple: If their position is accurate, and if I am indeed off-base, then why do we see increasing signs of instability, rising social unrest, and growing economic inequality? Why do historical patterns echo so closely with our present circumstances? And really, what happens next? Do our current problems all just somehow go away?

Moreover, if these concerns are overblown, why does it feel like the nation is teetering on the edge of significant turmoil? Why are so many experts talking about and planning for it? Why are homeless camps growing? Why are the elderly being forced out of retirement to work? Similarly, why do our grocery baskets, paychecks, and lifestyles seem to support my position so well? Indeed, the evidence of a deeper, systemic crisis is becoming harder to ignore. Perhaps it’s time to start listening to reason and stop ignoring the harsh reality we all currently face.

Continue Reading: Check out The Puppet Masters of Collusion of Power
