Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

Unlawful Detainment or Arrest

What is unlawful anyway? Is it merely perspective? It was shaping up to be a lovely evening. Fit as any for a pleasant stroll around the block. In need of a couple of items, a man decided to walk to his local grocery store. Thanks to the media, the entire nation was on edge over […]

Exploring Energy Ideas

Energy Ideas: a considerable debate lately has been about what to do about our energy prices. Another debate is on how we become self-sufficient and stop relying on our enemies to supply us with the fuel necessary to power our advanced civilization. The funny part of this situation is how straightforward the answers to these […]

CFL Lightbulbs – Is Snopes Reliable?

What a great question! I recently had someone try to state that an interpretive article I posted from an alternate news source was false. This retort was based on a posting from Snopes, so evidently, this was supposed to be the end of the conversation. Well, this person didn’t know me very well. My note […]