Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

What’s Wrong With Asking the Question?

Thomas Jefferson once said, “Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve the homage of reason, than that of blindfolded fear.” That is excellent advice! However, questioning is often much easier said than done. This is especially true for emotionally-charged topics. In truth, many people […]

Learning From Newt Knight

Do you know the story of Newt Knight? I want to talk about a great movie called Free State of Jones, starring Matthew McConaughey, Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Keri Russell, and Mahershala Ali. Let me share a few thoughts for those who have already seen it and those who are considering it. Sadly, we can sometimes find […]

The Truth about Cinco de Mayo

It’s Cinco de Mayo!!! The Fifth of May!! I hope you’re ready to celebrate with some truth!! Do you know why anyone celebrates Cinco De Mayo? Many suggest that Cinco De Mayo represents Mexican Independence Day. That would be incorrect. Mexican Independence Day is every September 16th and has been since 1810. As I always […]

The Constitution – An Idea

The Constitution is an idea. It is the aim, purpose, and vision of these great United States. It is also a concise document. As initially written and ratified, the Constitution of the United States consists of 4618 words (including signatures) arranged into seven articles. There have been 27 amendments to the original document, not all […]

Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Let us revisit the Declaration of Independence for a moment. Each of us knows deep down inside that we are created equal and that your God (whomever that might be) has given you certain fundamental rights that cannot be taken away, no matter what. These Rights are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. So, […]

The Power to Protect – OURSELVES

One right sticks out more than most when considering an Amendment’s possible controversy. This, of course, is Amendment II, the right to protect ourselves. There seems to be some confusion about the limits of this amendment and perhaps how it applies. This article should help alleviate any such controversy and explain what should be the […]

The False Hope of Anarcho-Capitalism

Many libertarians have begun to subscribe to the idea of Anarcho-Capitalism as a possible solution to their government woes. Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous idea. This one is the snake behind the couch. On the surface, it seems almost reasonable and something that can be tamed. Examination shows otherwise, and I need to ensure […]

An Ethical Question: Can the Ends Justify the Means

This article needs to be presented as an analogy. Not because the concept is hard to grasp but because the idea itself is probably a perspective that is hard to look at and hard to answer. My work is not about taking the easy way out as far as our thoughts and decisions go. Ethical […]

The REAL Che Guevara

A few years ago, I saw a video of a teacher’s union marching down the street. These teachers were protesting in support of higher wages. However, each teacher was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. When asked why they wore the shirts, they could not fully explain it (Pundit, 2012). One teacher went as far as […]

Has the Constitution Failed Us?

I have a LOT of respect for anyone who fights for liberty. Undoubtedly, many who subscribe to socialism, anarchism, or even democracy believe they are doing just that. So I do respect that, but I also frown upon the fact that so little objective research has been done on their part before going out to […]