The life of Gandhi, and for that matter, his quests, are often subject to scrutiny, wonderment, and amazement due in large part to cultural differences, influences, life experiences, and happenstance. Some with Western philosophies may find it hard to imagine all the different pieces that came together to make a timid, shy, and unsure person […]
When reading “The Prince,” one cannot help but feel Machiavelli’s frustration and pain. His pain could have been rooted in his exile, his desire to return to political life, or perhaps even the desire to reunite Italy. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Perhaps only Machiavelli knows for sure. Machiavelli clearly loved his country, […]
Let’s talk about taxation for a moment. Many people in this country are distraught, and with good reason. Yet, it seems that only exposure, education, and context separate the vast majority as to why. However, there are some common threads that we should be looking at. Take taxes, for instance. I hate using the phrase […]
Let’s talk about socialism. For this, allow me to use an analogy. You go to the city pound, where you see one dog after another in their tiny little cages. They appear sad, shaking, and perhaps even hungry. You do not really question the conditions of the pound; you merely want to rescue them all. […]
Yes, there are a lot of problems, and they need to be fixed. However, I hope you have begun to see how dangerous some radical ideas can be when we just dive right in without examination. Throwing radical ideas at our problems will never be an answer when the solutions provided could be more dangerous […]
A few who oppose the current state (such as Libertarians and Anarchists) often say that nations are basically geographic areas based on arbitrary lines on a map and controlled by gangs with flags. Some go as far as to say such lines are simply imaginary. These are interesting ideas, for sure. So let us explore […]
What are all these cries about tyrannical government? Why are others saying the government is NOT tyrannical? People seem confused. Do people even know what tyranny is? To understand this topic’s depths, we must break down the terms. By definition, tyranny is a cruel and oppressive government or rule (Merriam-Webster, Tyranny). “Oppressive” means very unpleasant […]
Law enforcement is in the news – again and again. Recently, we have seen calls to defund the police. Is this the responsible way to go? Bad cops bullying and killing innocent people (and criminals) is not exactly a new thing. So why the selective outrage? On the other hand, great cops doing amazing things […]
Let’s define the “Bigot.” Trust me… it’s important. big·ot /ˈbiɡət/ noun a person who is intolerant toward those holding different opinions. Webster’s Dictionary Similar Words: Do you know of someone intolerant because someone holds a different opinion? I am reminded of a recent LinkedIn post where a gentleman posted something ambiguous about his support for […]
You have probably heard many conservatives recite “Land of the Free – Home of the Brave.” I find it curious. Would you really call us a Free or Brave nation at this point? Think about how many laws there are. Do you know how many laws are on the books? Do not feel bad if […]