Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

Avoid the Astroturf – It’s Dangerous

Are you familiar with the term Astroturf? If not, then today is your lucky day. That is because I am about to provide you with a breadcrumb to help you navigate the seemingly lonely tunnel in which so many are lost. You may find this ironic, but according to Wikipedia, “Astroturfing is the practice of […]

In Sales? Don’t Use the Word “They”

If you’re in sales, then you might want to consider the following. When talking to a customer, we often use the word “WE” when selling the product’s or service’s benefits. This is a powerful word and conveys a team standing behind whatever we are selling. As a result, the customer feels a bit more confident […]

The Confusion of COVID 19 – Hoax, Threat, or Other?

No doubt that this COVID-19 situation is a mess. When I look at social media, I see a mixture of various fears. This is the result of uncertainty. Of course, that’s probably the only part that makes any sense. Just think about what we’ve been told in the last few months. It’s a global killer. […]

The Angry Will Not Listen to Reason – Don’t Fight It

Having a conversation with an angry individual is probably something we have all experienced. As a young man, I made this mistake too many times. While that is never the best scenario, there are some things we can do to ensure that we don’t lose our cool and end up saying or doing things we […]

Is There Really A Police State?

Do you feel as though law enforcement enforces unconstitutional laws? Do law enforcement officers seem a little overzealous in exercising their perceived authority? What do you feel when you see a cop behind you? Chances are that the majority of you will answer these questions in a negative light. This even includes those who currently […]

The Pursuit of Profit – Evil Or Not?

It was recently mentioned to me that “In today’s world, there is a growing segment of our society who view profits as wrong, as evil. Corporations, companies, and others who pursue the profit motive are often considered mean, selfish, and unethical because it takes advantage of workers and the less fortunate.” This statement was then […]

The True Face of Socialism – Not Pretty

Let us discuss why socialists and socialism are so bad. What is it about socialism and communism that I despise? Let’s level-set and revisit a few definitions. Socialism: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods (socialism, n.d.). Socialism: a […]

The Party System: There is Another Way

Have you ever given any real thought to the party system? Have you ever wondered why things continue to get worse? A reader contacted me with the following. “I often wonder why, out of the 327 million people in America and the billions spent in Post-Secondary schools, you have the choices for president that you […]


How can the citizenry trust that authority if the authority is blatantly and unapologetically extorting money from the people, profiting from them, and threatening them? When that authority unfairly targets political groups because of political belief, how can the citizenry trust that authority? When the authority continues to vote themselves raises and will not set […]

Arguing with Babies – Don’t Do It. It’s Not Worth It.

As I get older, I find that people get heated more often than not when they cannot find the words necessary to present their position effectively or when they cannot digest or handle the position of another. Then I find myself arguing with someone that doesn’t want to listen to another perspective, and I waste […]