Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Considerations

Things you may not have known, things you may not have thought about or simply things or perspectives to consider.

The Party System: There is Another Way

Have you ever given any real thought to the party system? Have you ever wondered why things continue to get worse? A reader contacted me with the following. “I often wonder why, out of the 327 million people in America and the billions spent in Post-Secondary schools, you have the choices for president that you […]


How can the citizenry trust that authority if the authority is blatantly and unapologetically extorting money from the people, profiting from them, and threatening them? When that authority unfairly targets political groups because of political belief, how can the citizenry trust that authority? When the authority continues to vote themselves raises and will not set […]

Arguing with Babies – Don’t Do It. It’s Not Worth It.

As I get older, I find that people get heated more often than not when they cannot find the words necessary to present their position effectively or when they cannot digest or handle the position of another. Then I find myself arguing with someone that doesn’t want to listen to another perspective, and I waste […]

What Should We Blame Mass Shootings On?

As you can imagine, I’ve been asked several times to provide my two cents regarding the latest series of mass shootings. I’m happy to do so but let’s put aside the numerous “strange” or unexplainable things related to these recent shootings (because there are several). Instead, let’s focus on mass shootings in general. There are […]

Social Media is Power – If Used Correctly

We have had powerful social media outlets now for over a decade. Most of us have gotten used to them, and some have grown tired of them. But let me take a moment to remind everyone that social media is powerful. If utilized correctly, the power it can provide is almost limitless. People, images, ideas, […]

Did We Forget About WE THE PEOPLE?

Have you ever heard someone say something along the lines of “I wish we could get a decent leader in office,” “All politicians are crooks,” or even “If I were in office, things would be different”? Many of us have found an issue with various local or state laws, taxation, or other issues that continue […]

Beware the Sucker-Punch

Over the last several months, I have seen numerous videos of left-leaning protesters taking cheap shots or sucker punches at their opposition. These attacks usually happen by the aggressor coming up from behind or from the side of their victim and striking. As a result, onlookers seem shocked or even confused about how someone could […]

Economic and Projection Model Updates

This article is a follow-up to previous articles concerning economic and war cycles that have been identified and discussed over the previous two decades. Specifically, it is the continuation of work that began in 1999 and is meant to supplement previous statements and projections. For more information on those cycles, CLICK HERE. I write this […]

Do You Have A Real Friend?

The word friend gets tossed around a lot these days. It’s unfortunate, too, because I don’t think too many understand what friendship is supposed to be or what it even looks like. I think it’s sad. For too many, a friend is nothing more than a person on their contact list. I think our lives […]

Note the Correlations Between Then and Now

The following will be written in a somewhat historical style. Not for deliberate complication but for eliminating the plebs of which I speak. These plebs are likely unwilling to decipher the metaphors and contexts due largely to their inability to do so. If I could have written this in cursive, I would have easily solved […]