Over the last several months, I have seen numerous videos of left-leaning protesters taking cheap shots or sucker punches at their opposition. These attacks usually happen by the aggressor coming up from behind or from the side of their victim and striking. As a result, onlookers seem shocked or even confused about how someone could […]
This article is a follow-up to previous articles concerning economic and war cycles that have been identified and discussed over the previous two decades. Specifically, it is the continuation of work that began in 1999 and is meant to supplement previous statements and projections. For more information on those cycles, CLICK HERE. I write this […]
The word friend gets tossed around a lot these days. It’s unfortunate, too, because I don’t think too many understand what friendship is supposed to be or what it even looks like. I think it’s sad. For too many, a friend is nothing more than a person on their contact list. I think our lives […]
The following will be written in a somewhat historical style. Not for deliberate complication but for eliminating the plebs of which I speak. These plebs are likely unwilling to decipher the metaphors and contexts due largely to their inability to do so. If I could have written this in cursive, I would have easily solved […]
Which Reality Do You Live In? Is it weird to anyone else that we have to ask which reality we live in? So basically, we are talking about whether or not the mountain just suddenly appears from the haze or whether it appears to rise up from the horizon. The same experiment can be performed […]
These flat-earth types are amazing to me. Seriously! Some of them are near violently invested in this ridiculous notion. Why? What does it really matter? Why do you care if I believe in this round earth or not? For that matter (and pretending for a second that flat-earth is correct), how does believing this or investing […]
Several have asked about the projection model and whether anything regarding the war and economic upheaval has changed since Trump was elected. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and I am sorry to report that, unfortunately, everything is status quo. In fact, I venture to say that perhaps things are right on […]
Last night, I was thinking about a few things, and a thought crossed my mind that just pissed me off. How are people so easily led into something they would otherwise hate? But instead of hating it, they learn to love it and defend it as though it were doing something great. Let me give […]
It took only minutes before people began to exploit the tragedy in Las Vegas for their political agendas regarding gun laws. It’s so unfortunate, too, because instead of finding solutions for real problems, stupidity was spread to the ignorant that follow. As a result, many good people whose hearts may be in the right spot […]
NOTE: This model has been updated and refined to provide a more accurate and comprehensive understanding of historical cycles. While the original 61-10-10 model (below) offered valuable insights, its highly restrictive framework and date-related discrepancies led to limitations in predictive value. This has been corrected. With the help of AI-driven analysis, the model has been […]