The Contrastive Inquiry Tool is a tool that compliments the Contrastive Inquiry Method. This tool is a simple yet powerful resource designed to enhance critical thinking and promote a more nuanced understanding of ideas and arguments. By analyzing a statement and generating a contrasting perspective, the tool helps users identify alternative viewpoints and encourage deeper […]
Throughout history, society has faced the persistent threat of corruption, oppression, and tyranny. Many assume these dangers stem from malevolent individuals acting with intent. In fact, you were probably taught this much in school. However, what you likely weren’t taught in school is how stupidity, either individually or of the masses, may be one of the […]
The global economy is undergoing seismic shifts. Unfortunately, and from everything that I have seen, it’s going to get worse before it gets better. From inflation eroding purchasing power to changes in the labor market driven by technology, these shifts are proactively reshaping how we work, invest, and save. Recent analyses, such as Philip Pilkington’s […]
It seems tremendously silly to criticize the scarcity of conservatives in academia while simultaneously dissuading conservatives from pursuing the education necessary to attain such positions. What other outcome can you realistically expect? Of course, this paradoxical stance has significant implications for the academic landscape and the broader societal discourse. Conservatives would be wise to reconsider […]
Bias in modern education (and the world) is a very real thing. Finding ‘truth’ when so many are trying to hide it can be difficult. This is to say that accessing unbiased and balanced knowledge has become a significant challenge these days. The rise of biased algorithms, agenda-driven curricula, and information overload make it increasingly […]
In our search for truth and accuracy, many individuals often find themselves hindered by cognitive biases that impede their ability to discard inaccurate information and progress their knowledge. I contend that if we can gain a deeper understanding of the obstacles to intellectual growth, we can also develop strategies to overcome them. So, today, I […]
Our brains, like our muscles, require regular exercise to stay strong and healthy. Engaging in deliberate learning activities can significantly enhance brain function, keep the mind sharp, and prevent mental decline. Define irony in the idea that we live in an age where education is becoming less of a priority, our diet is worse than […]
Are you considering a doctoral degree in health? Are you wondering how long it takes to become a doctor or what different doctors do in the healthcare field? There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to doctoral degrees. Hopefully, this article will help clear a few things up! Everyone should understand that embarking […]
In the field of education and content delivery, finding the most effective ways to engage and educate online learners is an ongoing challenge. With a wide range of options and rapidly evolving technology, there’s much debate, yet research does provide some clarity. Given these dynamics, it’s crucial for educators to stay flexible, informed, and proactive. […]
In many ways, academia is shooting itself in the foot. Neglecting new educators neglects the future. It’s that simple. Frankly, it is alarming how many highly educated professionals (with real-world experience) are denied an opportunity to teach in higher education due to a lack of classroom experience. However, it does not appear as though many […]