Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Education & Money

Money and education ideas to consider

Saving Money on Energy Bills

For many, energy bills have been steadily increasing in recent months. The media suggests that perhaps these increases will continue. At the same time, our dollar is not stretching as far as it used to. Power bills can be a significant expense for households, but there are many ways to save money on your energy […]

Recession Risks: Tips to Protect Yourself

A recession can be a difficult and uncertain time for individuals and families. Widespread job losses, reduced income, increased debt, difficulty accessing credit, reduced access to healthcare, and increased stress and mental health issues are just some of the risks that individuals may face during a recession. If you have not been impacted by the […]

The Problem with Public Education

Undoubtedly, most of the information on this site will be new to most readers. Still, a few may have been exposed to at least some of it at some point. This begs the question, “Why weren’t we taught this stuff in school, and why don’t I hear about this more?” Has education failed us? This […]

ChatGPT Just Changed Education

Technology integration in education has been a topic of much discussion in recent years. I believe that it is about to shift into overdrive. Technologies such as ChatGPT are going to make sure of it. As technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s important to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks of […]

A Case Against Andragogy?

In my studies, I came across an interesting journal entry. “Pedagogy vs. Andragogy: A False Dichotomy?” is a fantastic journal entry that is well-balanced and covers a variety of critiques of andragogy from various researchers (Holmes & Abington-Cooper, 2000). Two of the more compelling critiques shared were from Cheryl J. Polson and John R. Rachel. […]

10 Points Missed on Student Loan Forgiveness

Student loan forgiveness is a hot topic, and I would like to add to it with another disagreeable thought. Oddly enough, many educated conservatives have split with uneducated Republicans on the topic. Perhaps it has to do with perspective or party politics, but the truth is that several perspectives are often ignored when the topic […]

Changing the Institution of Tax

Nobody likes to talk about taxes, but we should. What do we do if bias is rampant at the IRS and political targeting is a fact? The simple answer—tear down the institution. Well, what if we could replace it with something substantially better? Remember, the Declaration of Independence states, “That whenever any Form of Government […]

Are Discussion Forums in Online Classes Effective?

Are discussion forums in online classes effective or beneficial? As with any tool that could be deployed during a course, the answer is not as simple as “yes” or “no.” Just like any other tool, it depends on how it is used. Here is the good, the bad, and something to consider about discussion forums. […]

The Internet and Distance Education

Online versus traditional education. Which is best? I have seen many debates over this. However, the truth might just surprise you. First, let’s examine the word “education.” Education is really just an enlightening experience through the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction on a given subject (Education, 2020). It boils down to transferring information […]