Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Category: Education & Money

Money and education ideas to consider

Money, Jobs, Banks and Debt

Wages have stagnated for years, but prices continue to increase, and the value of our labor decreases. This is essentially robbery, and education (or the lack thereof) is not helping. While you are working the same job with the same effort, the value of your labor decreases, and you can buy less with the money […]

Raising Minimum Wage

I received a message about minimum wage that said – Bernie Sanders said, “They’re just factually wrong. In my state of Vermont, our minimum wage is $8.60 compared to the national minimum wage of $7.25. We have one of the lowest unemployment rates in America. You have states where there is virtually no minimum wage […]

Is Education Worth It?

Over and over and over again, we see the headlines: “Why a College Degree May Not Be Worth It,” “Higher education: Is college worth it?” or “The diminishing returns of a college education.” I want to talk to you about this for a bit because this is a HUGE problem, in my opinion. Let’s begin […]

Saving Money – Save over $1300 the Easy Way

I came across a pretty novel idea recently when it comes to saving money the easy way. Well, it came across my Facebook feed, and I looked at it. Now, I’m taking it, improving it, and sharing it with you. Regardless, the idea is pretty simple and has the correct premise overall. It’s called the […]