One of the most common topics people want to discuss with me is how to treat chronic infections. If this sounds like you, know that you are not alone! According to the National Health Council, generally incurable and ongoing chronic diseases affect approximately 133 million Americans, representing more than 40% of the total population of […]
My question to the world is simple: “Where are the doctors that actually care for their patients?” Did aliens take them away? Did they go all John Galt on us? Are they hidden away in some secret government facility? I’m sure some can say that they know a decent doctor or had a great experience […]
I am often asked to look into various health conditions that mainstream medicine seems to have limited information on or has yet to connect certain dots. It is sad to say that in this modern era, there are still quite a few questions regarding personal health, which is very true regarding men’s health because men […]
There are so many diets to choose from. What is a diet anyway? By definition, it is the kind of food that a person habitually eats. However, it’s also a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons. There is an endless number of special diets […]
The media has been buzzing about a recent study that says that skin cancer deaths among men have soared in wealthy nations since 1985. It suggests that men are “less likely to protect themselves from the sun” or heed public health warnings. QUICK! EVERYONE PANIC AND GRAB THE SUNSCREEN! Or don’t! I’m not a scientist, but […]
Are you one of the millions that suffer from sinus infections? Looking for a sinus infection remedy? If so, I have great news – well… at least for some of you. I used to suffer from sinus infections as well. Sinus infections are a thing of the past for me… thanks to what I am […]
That’s right! Nicotine is not the devil. Let’s be honest with ourselves; everything comes with a certain level of risk. For instance, going to a doctor for care could wind up killing you, driving a car is more dangerous than handling a firearm, high school sports kill more U.S. citizens than terrorists do, binge drinking […]
So a question has been raised about Colloidal Silver, and I have once again been asked about my opinion on it. This post is a conversational response – it’s not some technical entry. I’m merely responding to questions and statements posed in another thread about the topic, and I am doing so as requested. I […]
Most Americans are oblivious to what a “good diet” really is. Many confuse edible with food. As a result, nutrient deficiencies are becoming more common. In fact, the standard American diet is filled with sugar and is primarily refined or processed junk. This is NOT real food. These types of foods lack the nutrients our […]
Have you heard of yarrow before? In Greek mythology, Achilles, the Greek hero of the Trojan War, is said to have used yarrow to prevent and heal his wounds. This is why yarrow’s many Latin names reflect the name Achilles – Achillea borealis, Achillea lanulosa, Achillea magna, Achillea millefolium, etc., etc. A powerful name for […]