Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Nature’s Intent: Dr. Robertson’s “Omnivore Diet”

When it comes to nutrition, many people are confused about what is natural and healthy. Some may be interested in a natural lifestyle and prefer natural alternatives to mainstream health solutions, while others may be dealing with chronic conditions or struggling to lose weight. What is nature’s intent? Two popular approaches to nutrition are often […]

The Problem with Public Education

Undoubtedly, most of the information on this site will be new to most readers. Still, a few may have been exposed to at least some of it at some point. This begs the question, “Why weren’t we taught this stuff in school, and why don’t I hear about this more?” Has education failed us? This […]

Best Ammo For Home Defense

Recently, I found myself in a discussion regarding the best types of ammo for home defense. The discussion largely centered around full metal jacket (FMJ) bullets and hollow points. Indeed, the differences should be considered, so I thought I might share a few things to think about. When it comes to home defense, choosing whether […]

ChatGPT Just Changed Education

Technology integration in education has been a topic of much discussion in recent years. I believe that it is about to shift into overdrive. Technologies such as ChatGPT are going to make sure of it. As technology becomes more prevalent in our daily lives, it’s important to consider both the potential benefits and drawbacks of […]

Leadership Lesson: 10 Things Leaders Must Know

Leaders must know that the term Leadership has been cheapened in recent years. This is due largely to people with no leadership background whatsoever trying to teach it or write about it. These people are really doing nothing more than making the entire industry look bad because they claim to be leadership professionals but ultimately […]

Feed the Mind to Feed the Body

While it is true that our minds are amazing, such a statement does not quite capture their full potential. Of course, you are probably aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy brain, but this does not fully convey the significance of brain health. And while you may already know the value of nourishing your […]

Essential Qualities of Great Leaders Per Machiavelli

Machiavelli’s The Prince is an insightful piece meant to demonstrate the fragility of power. In that, Machiavelli provides a slew of qualities of both evil and great leaders. However, several stand out as essential for all great leaders to understand. Furthermore, such perspectives can be used in various settings after even a little critical reflection. […]

Care About Your Rights? Let’s Talk About It

Let me make something abundantly clear: an unalienable or natural right naturally exists in the absence of authority and does not inherently infringe upon the rights of another. It does not matter your race, gender, sexual preference, religion, or anything else because these things do not change in the absence of authority. What they teach […]

Physical Activity and Overall Wellness and Resilience

A reader asked me about a recent study from the Tokyo Institute of Technology that said that daily strenuous exercise could shorten rather than prolong our lifespan. In their study, the authors theorize that excessive endurance training effectively neutralizes the usual benefits of exercise. I wanted to clarify a few things with my readers because […]

Ayn Rand Was Right All Along

Are you familiar with Ayn Rand? If not, perhaps you should be. Regardless, I want to share some ideas I have pulled from her work. What is a businessman? Is it merely a man who works in business or commerce? The book Atlas Shrugged presents characters such as Hank Rearden, James, and Dagny Taggart, as […]