Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

A Few Things to Consider About Bacteria

Did you know that you have more bacteria in and on your body than you have cells? It’s true. The latest evidence suggests that roughly 39 trillion bacterial cells live among your 30 trillion human cells (Crew, 2016). So, in a sense, you are not entirely you. Instead, you are a walking home to countless […]

Should You Be Taking Vitamin C? If so, how much?

Vitamin C is an anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and antioxidant. Most people are already familiar with this handy little vitamin. However, most are unaware of its many uses or how much to take. As you may already know, studies have shown that Vitamin C is a co-factor for physiological reactions such as hormone production, collagen synthesis, and […]

Revisiting the Declaration of Independence

Let us revisit the Declaration of Independence for a moment. Each of us knows deep down inside that we are created equal and that your God (whomever that might be) has given you certain fundamental rights that cannot be taken away, no matter what. These Rights are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. So, […]

Don’t Forget the D3

Vitamin D has long been recognized as essential to the skeletal system, especially regarding calcium movement in the body. We also know it can do wonders for our cholesterol because studies show that higher vitamin D concentrations are associated with higher HDL and lower LDL and triglyceride levels. These are great things! But is there […]

Q & A: Questionable Employee Social Media Posts

I was recently asked my opinion regarding questionable employee social media posts. Such posts can complicate things. Let us explore this for a moment. Question Posed: “How do you handle staff who post/share racist things on their personal social media (Anti refugee, immigrant, LGBTQ kinda stuff)? Not trying to start any arguments, just wondering if […]

Should You Be Taking K2?

Vitamin K is well-known for its role in healthy blood clotting. However, there’s more to the story. A LOT more. Vitamin K might be critical for many other processes and our overall health. Before we get into all that, there are two different forms of vitamin K to be aware of. Of course, this can […]

Parasites – Listen to Your Body

Your body has a variety of special cells designed to help you fight off different types of infection. These cells differ depending on the invader, but most of us are at least familiar with the white blood cells that attack bacteria and viruses. So what about parasites? Parasites present a unique problem because parasites are […]

The Power to Protect – OURSELVES

One right sticks out more than most when considering an Amendment’s possible controversy. This, of course, is Amendment II, the right to protect ourselves. There seems to be some confusion about the limits of this amendment and perhaps how it applies. This article should help alleviate any such controversy and explain what should be the […]

Magnesium is Essential for Health

Magnesium is essential for health. Dr. Mercola says that “even glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant that has even been called “the master antioxidant,” requires magnesium for its synthesis (Mercola, 2016).” You can learn more about glutathione by clicking here. Unfortunately, magnesium deficiency is considered a silent epidemic in research circles, with a whopping 80% […]

The False Hope of Anarcho-Capitalism

Many libertarians have begun to subscribe to the idea of Anarcho-Capitalism as a possible solution to their government woes. Unfortunately, this is a very dangerous idea. This one is the snake behind the couch. On the surface, it seems almost reasonable and something that can be tamed. Examination shows otherwise, and I need to ensure […]