Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Probiotics – What You Should Know

Today (after years of destroying our intestinal flora), we are told that probiotics are the answer. This may be partially true. However, probiotics should be used with caution. Probiotics, or Beneficial Bacteria, are the highly complex, single-celled microorganisms found in the body and are considered good for the body due to their beneficial qualities. Beneficial […]

The REAL Che Guevara

A few years ago, I saw a video of a teacher’s union marching down the street. These teachers were protesting in support of higher wages. However, each teacher was wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. When asked why they wore the shirts, they could not fully explain it (Pundit, 2012). One teacher went as far as […]

Exercise and Sleep – Getting Enough?

Here is another topic I probably should not have to sell you on. This is because it should go without saying that our bodies were not meant to remain sedentary for too long. A growing body of research shows that long periods of physical inactivity raise your risk of developing heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and […]

Adjunct Solutions for Chronic Wounds

In the United States alone, chronic wounds affect 6.5 million people. Chronic wounds are a painful, expensive, and hard-to-treat issue. The problem is that somewhere around (or above) 90% of chronic wounds contain bacteria living within biofilms. In fact, according to the book “Biofilms in Human Diseases: Treatment and Control,” Skin diseases, including atopic dermatitis, […]

Has the Constitution Failed Us?

I have a LOT of respect for anyone who fights for liberty. Undoubtedly, many who subscribe to socialism, anarchism, or even democracy believe they are doing just that. So I do respect that, but I also frown upon the fact that so little objective research has been done on their part before going out to […]

A Leadership Lesson from Gandhi

The life of Gandhi, and for that matter, his quests, are often subject to scrutiny, wonderment, and amazement due in large part to cultural differences, influences, life experiences, and happenstance. Some with Western philosophies may find it hard to imagine all the different pieces that came together to make a timid, shy, and unsure person […]

Finding Balance Between Sedentary and Exercise

Finding the middle ground between sedentary and compulsive exercise would likely be difficult for some. I know it was for me. Most of this likely stems from improper training and expectations during grade school and high school, while some might also stem from social media and entertainment media. A great example of this might be […]

Oxygen – The How and Why

We need oxygen to live. But how much? How does this work exactly? Oxygen enters the body through the lungs via breathing. The inhaled air is about 20% oxygen, but only about 5% is consumed in each breath and converted to carbon dioxide. The oxygen is then transported by our red blood cells to the […]

Machiavelli “The Prince” – Was It A Warning?

When reading “The Prince,” one cannot help but feel Machiavelli’s frustration and pain. His pain could have been rooted in his exile, his desire to return to political life, or perhaps even the desire to reunite Italy. Or maybe it was something else entirely. Perhaps only Machiavelli knows for sure. Machiavelli clearly loved his country, […]