Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Vitamin A Deserves Some Love – And Consumption

Vitamin A deserves some love for a lot of different reasons. Of course, when most people think about Vitamin A, they think about its ability to maintain vision. That is true, but there is so much more to the story. Those who watch enough late-night television might know that Vitamin A is also known for […]

The Traits Necessary to be a University President

Introduction John Kroger of INSIDE HigherED has argued that “a university president may need significantly greater leadership skills to achieve good outcomes than leaders in other contexts” (Kroger, 2018). His reasons include having “a large number of constituencies with very different interests, accompanied by unwieldy board structures and conflicting and vague governance rules.” Kroger suggests […]

Fruits, Veggies, Fiber and GMO’s

Fruits and (certain) veggies provide the body with great things, and you need them. For instance, the good ones provide fiber. This fiber keeps the digestive system full and moving while feeding the bacteria in our digestive tract. These beneficial bacteria help to keep us healthy by fighting off harmful bacteria. Fruits and (certain) veggies […]

Do Learning Management Systems Limit Creativity?

Do Learning Management Systems (LMS) limit creativity? That’s a tough and opinion-based question to answer. However, to fully answer this question and understand what is at stake, we must first understand creativity itself. Creativity is the ability to solve problems, envision, create ideas or alternatives, or create something original or unusual (Morr, 2019). Often associated […]

Vaccines – A Few More Things to Consider

A while back, I published an article about vaccines. I wanted to take a moment to clarify a few things and answer a few questions that I have received. Let us start with a few questions. Have vaccines eradicated disease and saved millions of lives over the years? Absolutely! Does that mean we should all […]

Uncomfortable Truths About Taxation

Let’s talk about taxation for a moment. Many people in this country are distraught, and with good reason. Yet, it seems that only exposure, education, and context separate the vast majority as to why. However, there are some common threads that we should be looking at. Take taxes, for instance. I hate using the phrase […]

Socialism: The Social Experiment

Let’s talk about socialism. For this, allow me to use an analogy. You go to the city pound, where you see one dog after another in their tiny little cages. They appear sad, shaking, and perhaps even hungry. You do not really question the conditions of the pound; you merely want to rescue them all. […]

The Miracle of Iodine

Minus those with a massive allergy to it, Iodine is an essential mineral. In fact, all the cells in the body use Iodine. Did you know that Iodine improves insulin response? It can even help fight fungal infections. It is also vital for adrenal, ovarian, breast pancreatic, and all endocrine (hormone) gland function and thyroid […]

Leadership, Learning, and Critical Reflection

Learning is essential to leadership (Brown & Posner, 2001). Catch-phrases such as “Leadership is Learning,” “The Best Leaders Are Constant Learners,” and “A Sign of Great Leadership is Continuous Learning” are just a few of the many examples of what one might hear or read about during their leadership journey. While true, learning alone is […]

Beware the Article V Convention – No Quick-Fix

Yes, there are a lot of problems, and they need to be fixed. However, I hope you have begun to see how dangerous some radical ideas can be when we just dive right in without examination. Throwing radical ideas at our problems will never be an answer when the solutions provided could be more dangerous […]