Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

The Importance of Salt in Your Diet

Have you ever heard of hyponatremia? This is a fancy way of saying that one has low sodium levels in their blood. Did you know that this is fairly common? Over 3 to 6 million cases require medical treatment yearly (Springer, Gabler & LoVecchio, 2016). But how can this be? We are told to avoid […]

Borders & Boundaries: Do the Lines Matter?

A few who oppose the current state (such as Libertarians and Anarchists) often say that nations are basically geographic areas based on arbitrary lines on a map and controlled by gangs with flags. Some go as far as to say such lines are simply imaginary. These are interesting ideas, for sure. So let us explore […]

So What Is Health Science Anyway?

You may have heard me mention it. Perhaps you have seen the term but don’t know what it means. So, what is Health Science? Health Science (HS) is a multidisciplinary component of health care that seeks to improve health outcomes by developing knowledge and interventions for general health and wellness as well as disease treatment […]

Antibiotics – A Few Things to Understand

Let’s talk about antibiotics for a bit and start with a definition. Biotic means “of, relating to, or resulting from living things, esp. in their ecological relations.” In other words, “LIFE!” So, an ANTI-biotic literally means “Anti-Life.” Meaning an antibiotic is literally a death pill. Its purpose is to suppress (kill) the bacteria normally found […]

A Tyrannical Government – Really?

What are all these cries about tyrannical government? Why are others saying the government is NOT tyrannical? People seem confused. Do people even know what tyranny is? To understand this topic’s depths, we must break down the terms. By definition, tyranny is a cruel and oppressive government or rule (Merriam-Webster, Tyranny). “Oppressive” means very unpleasant […]

The Dairy Devil – Consider This

Did you know that dairy may not be bad for you after all? The topic of milk is tough because there is a lot of confusion about what it does to the body. This can be a problem for some seeking to improve their health because who are you going to believe? Who CAN you […]

20 Things Both Cops and Citizens Should Know

Law enforcement is in the news – again and again. Recently, we have seen calls to defund the police. Is this the responsible way to go? Bad cops bullying and killing innocent people (and criminals) is not exactly a new thing. So why the selective outrage? On the other hand, great cops doing amazing things […]

Power and Leadership Are Different

The Difference between Power and Leadership Leadership and Power are two very different concepts, and differentiating the two is quite important. There are about as many definitions for leadership as there are leaders. However, the general idea is that leadership is about influence and courage to do the right thing; by seizing the moment and […]

Do Instructional Design Methods Result in Rigidity?

Do instructional design methods make teaching and learning too rigid? That is a challenging question to answer simply. Let me say that it depends on both the application and perspective. Allow me to start with a quote. David Greene, a former field supervisor for Fordham University’s Graduate School of Education, said, “Imagine your brain surgeon […]

The SPP90-Plus Quarantine Challenge

With everyone stuck at home and with gyms being a hit or miss on being open, I thought I would share a fun challenge that can be done at home and without any weights. It’s called the SPP90 Plus Quarantine Challenge. All you need for this challenge is you and a little bit of time. […]