The Senior Manager says: “What if we train and develop our people, and then they leave us?” The CEO says: “What if we don’t train them, and they stay?“ No doubt you have seen this meme circulating in recent years. It’s true, though. It’s also very insightful. Think about the mindset of an organization that […]
How can the citizenry trust that authority if the authority is blatantly and unapologetically extorting money from the people, profiting from them, and threatening them? When that authority unfairly targets political groups because of political belief, how can the citizenry trust that authority? When the authority continues to vote themselves raises and will not set […]
In her paper titled Change in Higher Education: Not Enough, or Too Much? Adrianna Kezar explores the many elements that both encourage and impede change regarding higher education as a whole. Her analysis demonstrates the obstacles colleges of all sizes will continually have to hurdle while providing suggestions on how to overcome these obstacles moving […]
Over the years, phishing attempts have presented a real issue for individuals and businesses. Sometimes the attempts are comical, but sometimes the attempts are highly sophisticated. Despite the numerous warnings provided by experts, public awareness campaigns, and so on, phishing and email attacks are increasing. These attempts present a problem considering that more of our […]
Today I want to discuss N Acetyl Cysteine. To do this, I must first discuss glutathione. I have written about the power of glutathione – an essential antioxidant for immune health and fighting cellular damage. I have written specifically about liposomal glutathione – which is a fat-soluble membrane encapsulating the water-soluble glutathione supplement. Liposomes help […]
Across educational settings, there has been a significant push to standardize. Local interests complain that such efforts rob decision-makers and educational institutions of making relevant and appropriate decisions for their constituency. Arguably, the most significant undertaking of this type has been the advent of the Common Core Standards. Forty-one U.S. states have approved these standards […]
Recently, I was having a conversation about the making of great leaders. During that conversation, I was told: “I don’t have enough money to be a leader.” That comment confused me at first. It got me thinking about the prospect of “creating” a leader and whether money can play a part. While probably not the […]
As I get older, I find that people get heated more often than not when they cannot find the words necessary to present their position effectively or when they cannot digest or handle the position of another. Then I find myself arguing with someone that doesn’t want to listen to another perspective, and I waste […]
According to the World Health Organization, “The context of people’s lives ultimately determine their health, and so blaming individuals for having poor health or crediting them for good health is inappropriate.“ I agree. That’s a highly accurate way to explain the reality of “health” in our world today. Individuals are unlikely to be able to […]
Time and time again, I am asked: “What do you think makes a great leader?” I’m here to tell you that the answer is often relative. I mean, wouldn’t that be based on your perception? Of course, it would. Great leadership can be hard to wrap your head around when you factor in the “other […]