Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Leadership Coach vs Leadership Practitioner

Is there a difference between a Leadership Practitioner and a Leadership Coach? I believe there is. Let me begin with a metaphor to paint the picture. As Alexandre Vsevolo Latchininsky, Extension Entomologist for the State of Wyoming, explains, “all locusts are grasshoppers, but not all grasshoppers are locusts.” Similarly, while Leadership Practitioners often act as […]

Note the Correlations Between Then and Now

The following will be written in a somewhat historical style. Not for deliberate complication but for eliminating the plebs of which I speak. These plebs are likely unwilling to decipher the metaphors and contexts due largely to their inability to do so. If I could have written this in cursive, I would have easily solved […]

Which Reality Do You Live In?

Which Reality Do You Live In? Is it weird to anyone else that we have to ask which reality we live in? So basically, we are talking about whether or not the mountain just suddenly appears from the haze or whether it appears to rise up from the horizon. The same experiment can be performed […]

Earth: Some People Are Simply Not On It

These flat-earth types are amazing to me. Seriously! Some of them are near violently invested in this ridiculous notion. Why? What does it really matter? Why do you care if I believe in this round earth or not? For that matter (and pretending for a second that flat-earth is correct), how does believing this or investing […]

Leadership Skills, Abilities and Followers

Scrolling through LinkedIn, I came across an article on leadership that posed the question of the meaning of leadership and some of the skills a leader might need. As a leadership professional, I often review opinions and perspectives. This is especially true when such articles are written by those who have not exactly studied leadership […]

Choosing a Leadership Development Instructor

You’ve gotta love the topic of Leadership Development! There seems to be no end to the number of books and gurus trying to stake their claim of expertise or special insight. Due to this noise, choosing the right Leadership Development Instructor can be a confusing and complicated task. Making matters worse is that there are […]

The Importance of Follow Up

I have seen plenty of articles addressing the importance of follow-up with customers. That is true, and I do not mean to take away from that fact when I say, “of course… that’s a no-brainer”. However, I believe that a little more focus should be placed on business setting follow-up. In my experience, too many […]

The Benefits of Leadership Development and Training

Ever thought about enrolling in Leadership Development and Training? One of the most unfortunate mindsets I have encountered in this country is the idea that graduation equals an end to the learning journey. It is a heartbreaking mindset; it is all the evidence I need to understand why there are so many unsuccessful people. Up […]

Market Crash and Global War?

Several have asked about the projection model and whether anything regarding the war and economic upheaval has changed since Trump was elected. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, and I am sorry to report that, unfortunately, everything is status quo. In fact, I venture to say that perhaps things are right on […]

Powerful and Natural Sinus Infection Remedy

Are you one of the millions that suffer from sinus infections? Looking for a sinus infection remedy? If so, I have great news – well… at least for some of you. I used to suffer from sinus infections as well. Sinus infections are a thing of the past for me… thanks to what I am […]