Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Leadership Lessons from the Middle East

In leadership, the ability to make informed decisions is crucial, as the repercussions of those decisions can ripple across generations. The ongoing challenges in the Middle East are a great example of what happens when leaders act without fully understanding the complexities of the situations they face. I would argue that the turmoil in this […]

Mainstream and Natural Approaches to Lichen Planus

Lichen planus is an inflammatory condition affecting the skin and mucous membranes, often characterized by itchy, flat-topped bumps or lesions. Though it is not an actual lichen (a symbiotic organism consisting of algae and fungi), it is named for its appearance. Sometimes, these lesions can be erosive and painful. This condition can occur in various […]

Conservatives in Academia: Overcoming Irony

It seems tremendously silly to criticize the scarcity of conservatives in academia while simultaneously dissuading conservatives from pursuing the education necessary to attain such positions. What other outcome can you realistically expect? Of course, this paradoxical stance has significant implications for the academic landscape and the broader societal discourse. Conservatives would be wise to reconsider […]

When Empathy Inadvertantly Becomes Sabotage

It seems that there has been an alarming and growing trend to emphasize perception-driven approaches, emotional responses, and leadership models such as servant leadership, which typically prioritize empathy and emotion over strategic foresight and critical analysis. While these methods appear well-intentioned, focusing on emotional connectivity, their overuse can literally sabotage long-term goals, organizational efficiency, and […]

Crisis Preparedness: Securing Long-Term Food

For anyone concerned with safety and self-reliance, it’s probably wise to start thinking about securing a stable food supply. Whether facing a natural disaster, economic downturn, or societal disruption, having a well-thought-out food storage plan can be the difference between comfort and chaos. This guide focuses on the essentials: storing long-term proteins and fruits, with […]

A Forecast of Collapse Based on History

There is an ‘Echo of Empires’ that we should be mindful of. Indeed, history repeats, providing essential insights into our present and future. I’ll just be blunt and say that the United States is not immune from the cycles of history, nor the political manipulations that ensure their continuation. Sure, we could compare the United […]

Having a ‘Purpose’ May Save Your Brain

“All things with purpose, for purpose, on purpose.” This is something I often share with my students because it emphasizes the importance of purpose in both life and leadership. However, this idea isn’t just motivational or something cool to say—it’s backed by science. Research now shows that having a sense of purpose can actually benefit […]

Navigating Bias in the Modern World

Bias in modern education (and the world) is a very real thing. Finding ‘truth’ when so many are trying to hide it can be difficult. This is to say that accessing unbiased and balanced knowledge has become a significant challenge these days. The rise of biased algorithms, agenda-driven curricula, and information overload make it increasingly […]

The Value of Contrasting Information

Information is both abundant and easily accessible. Hence, the concept of “thinking for yourself” has gained new importance. Yet, at the same time, this idea is often misunderstood. Many people equate thinking independently with rejecting or avoiding information that doesn’t align with their existing beliefs. However, I would argue that true independent thinking requires engaging […]

The Puppet Masters of Collusion of Power

American politics is often painted as a battleground between the left and right, each side accusing the other of being the source of societal woes. However, in many ways, this dichotomy is really nothing short of a distraction from a more insidious alliance: the collusion between corrupt politicians, big banks, mega-corporations, and the institutions (and […]