Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Is Honor Dead in America?

Are honor, respect, and integrity dead? This post may come across as negative but understand that I would like to jolt you into self-reflection and personal action. I guess we’ll see how this goes. It should come as little shock that the world no longer respects the United States. It could be argued that perhaps […]

Founding Father’s Day

It’s Father’s Day. What did you get him? Another tie? Wouldn’t it be great if we celebrated our fathers every day? Wouldn’t it be great if we showed dad that we loved him and appreciated him more than just once a year or instead of only on special holidays? I sure do. That’s why I let […]

Leaders! Your People Matter

Your organization will live and die by the people you choose to be a part of it. This is why not only considering the people you choose but also the structure you choose and the placement of those people is so critical. Here are a few things to keep in mind. Consider Span of Control […]

Typology of Power

Recommended reading: Confucius, Machiavelli, and Rousseau: Studies in Contrast. Because “contrast” they do. One element presented in the reading was Harvard Business School Professor John Kotter’s typology of power. For clarification, typology is basically the study and interpretation of different types. John Kotter’s typology of power is the study and interpretation of different types or […]

Glimpse the Future

Glimpse the future. It is now 2016, and you might have heard by now that we are beginning to (or will soon) enter the “Fourth Industrial Revolution.” If you haven’t heard this, then now you’re in the know. It is underway, and the world is very excited about it. You need to understand that this […]

How Grocery Stores Can Reduce Internal Theft and Grazing

Let’s talk about internal theft and grazing for a moment. Let me start by asking a question. WHEN Exactly is Theft? That is not a typo. Sure… we could ask, “What is theft“… and the canned answer would be as follows: “Theft is simply the act or crime of stealing somebody else’s property.” Let’s be honest […]

Knowledge Management – Cycle

It is vital to understand the following elements of the Knowledge Management Cycle and their respective importance because by doing so, one finds points of reference that can be more easily identified and adjusted if they are not implemented correctly or are not being followed in the first place. Upon discovery, a particular element can […]

Effectiveness of

Unless you have been living under a rock, you have probably heard of So let us take a moment to talk about their rise. The concept of Organizational effectiveness is an abstract concept that can sometimes be difficult to measure. However, by determining certain proxy measures that are used to represent effectiveness, we can […]

Walmart – Misalignment of Goals and Leadership

How can the world’s largest privately held corporation be willfully blind to some of its more systemic problems? The simple answer may be fear, but nonetheless, the result has already taken its toll and will continue to expand in scope moving forward unless someone in leadership begins to heal the gaping wounds. The direction the […]

Money, Jobs, Banks and Debt

Wages have stagnated for years, but prices continue to increase, and the value of our labor decreases. This is essentially robbery, and education (or the lack thereof) is not helping. While you are working the same job with the same effort, the value of your labor decreases, and you can buy less with the money […]