Many of us in the field of Leadership study and ponder the many different elements of what makes a leader, let alone a good one. Indeed, there are many components of the overall makeup, and a strong understanding of these does help. However, there is something that is often forgotten in regard to the identification of […]
Imagine for a moment that you have been placed into a leadership position of a cross-functional task force, responsible for developing a specific process or goal for your organization. The selected team members will move to the same location (at headquarters) for three months. You need to understand that smooth transitions should not be expected […]
Leadership and ethics go hand in hand. I am a fan of analogies, so I present the following: perhaps ethics are the proverbial horse to the leadership carriage. Leadership cannot move without the ethical horse to pull it and/or guide it. Imagine having a stallion pulling a decrepit carriage or possibly even a sickly horse […]
Today we use the movie “The Guardian” as a leadership lesson, specifically, the “Phases of Transition.” If you haven’t seen the movie, I recommend watching it either before or after reading this, but it’s not entirely necessary. The lesson will become evident. So in the movie, the relationship between Ben Randall and Jake Fischer started […]
Let me attempt to convey my personal understanding of a few critical terms and concepts and their application in a professional and even personal environment. It is my contention that having a strong handle on verbiage is vital when one attempts critical analysis or decision-making. In regard to Knowledge Management or Knowledge-Based Decision-Making, there is […]
There are really only two ways to prevent malevolent actions; one is to deter your adversary, and the other is to defeat your adversary. Today we are going to focus on deterring via barriers. It should be noted that some of the topics discussed will not be ideal for all properties or price ranges. So, […]
Let’s be honest, unless you have a fortified compound, and perhaps even then, if someone REALLY wants to get into your home, with a bit of time… they will, unless they are deterred by whatever measures you already have in place. But that’s what security is all about: time and deterrence! The good news is […]
It has come to my attention that quite a few have forgotten the timelines regarding American history – at least in regard to colonial resistance. There are also some forgotten steps regarding why the colonists were so angry. I want to convey to you today that there was a build-up of anger that spanned roughly […]
We live in an increasingly hostile world. Television and social media make us increasingly aware of the possibility of being caught in an active shooter situation. Unfortunately, as economic and political hardships increase, acts of violence and crime will also increase. Here are some things to know if you are in an active shooter scenario. […]
There are three highly critical components of outstanding leadership. While they may appear extremely simple at first glance, they can also be highly complex at the same time. I contend that these elements may take some practice to master and that the time you invest is more than worth it. These three components are thought, decision-making, […]