Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Did Hillary Break the Law?

I have suggested that Hillary Clinton may have committed a felony (or more). However, I have been asked for a specific law or citation to back up this assumption. I am happy to do so. The following comes from the United States Department of Justice – 1663. Protection Of Government Property — Protection Of Public […]

Why We Know Trouble Is Coming

Every once in a while, you hear Ph.D.s, philosophers, and writers talking about the “coming war,” or an “inevitable disaster,” or something along similar lines. The central theme of this article is no different. However, one should ask themselves exactly how these people can be so darn certain that trouble is on the way. Can […]

Can We Reverse Hair Loss?

I recently received a message from a reader about hair loss: Reader: “David, you might know this. Is there is a natural way to stop or even slow down male pattern baldness?“ I hope the irony is not lost on you that you are asking a guy who shaves his head about hair loss because […]

Undiagnosed Male Genitourinary Conditions

If you are suffering from undiagnosed epididymitis, orchitis, urethritis, or some other form of male genitourinary pain or issue, then you have come to the right place. NOTE: If you feel that you might have one of these conditions but have not yet seen a doctor, it is highly recommended that you see a physician […]

China on the Rise

Today we live in a world where international business is commonplace and often extremely beneficial. On the flip side, however, we are doing business and providing much-needed money to many of our enemies because of it. When anyone brings up the dangers of dealing with China, the rebuttal is almost always how much China needs […]

Let’s See How I Did With Projection

As some of you are already aware, in college, I developed something I ended up calling “The Three Rule Method.” This technique allows me to narrow down the best possible solution to a given problem, in the shortest period of time, with the greatest possibility of being correct. Eventually, I figured out how to apply […]

Woodrow Wilson – Influence of Failure

When asked what leader influenced the failure of an organization or large group because of the change that they influenced, no other leader comes to mind stronger than Woodrow Wilson. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was a leader who largely influenced many changes that would eventually result in what I would call “the ultimate failure of America.” […]

Are You REALLY a Three Percenter?

You may have already read my article on what a Three Percenter is, but lately, I have been asked a few times, “how do you know if you are a Three Percenter”? So let me see if I can help. Let me provide you with well over 50 ways to tell whether or not you, or someone else, […]

Chemtrails? You should know about GeoEngineering

What are Chemtrails? Are they real? Despite the abundance of public evidence to demonstrate a very real and definitive answer, this debate rages on. Every once in a while, arguments will spring up on social media over this topic, and it is usually rooted in the idea that someone knows a pilot in the family who has […]

The Coming Global Crisis

Is a global crisis nearing? Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc. Oil, the Petrodollar, terrorism, international economics, the UN. It does not take much imagination to glimpse the possibility of a third global war. With the nations provided, a simple mistake and you have a World War scenario based on alliances alone, similar to […]