Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Avoid The Flashy When Developing an Online Course

If you have (or are considering putting together) an online course, it can be tempting to go overboard with content or flashy elements. However, that may not be in either your, or your student’s, best interests. Here are a few things to consider. Flashy is defined as ostentatiously attractive or impressive (Lexico, 2020). In other […]

Andragogy Research and the Unexpected Connection

As you may know, I am a big fan of considering “the contrast.” So, when reviewing Pedagogy for a paper that I am writing, I decided to research Andragogy a little more. What started off as a simple search for peer-reviewed journals to expand my understanding of the approach turned into a deviation that reinforced […]

The Complex Domestic Threat of China

Some seem confused about the potential threats that China poses to our great nation. Indeed, this is a complex topic, but we need some foundational understanding to help us truly appreciate the potential danger. Recently, I have been presented with several questions regarding this situation. As far as I’m concerned, if one person asks, many […]

Knowing Roles and Responsibilities

The importance of understanding and distinguishing between the various roles and responsibilities within an organization is crucial for organizational leaders. It is essential to comprehend the distinct roles of management, human resources, and leadership and the significance of hiring professionals with the necessary qualifications and experience in their respective fields. The thing to think about […]

Semen Health: 301

Are you dealing with fertility issues such as low sperm count or a seminal infection? Sometimes things get imbalanced, and semen health suffers. When this imbalance occurs, anything from weak sperm to infections can arise. Today, we’ll discuss semen health and what you can potentially do to ensure proper functioning. Semen is a mixture of […]

Is Another Civil War Inevitable?

Civil War has been in the news quite a bit lately – both domestically and abroad. Prominent names and media outlets repeatedly discuss the possibility. Those on the Left and Right provide their reasoning, ranging from which president is your favorite to the situation unfolding between Israel and Palestine. However, the overall rationale and outcome […]

Resistance to Change and What You Can Do to Help

The Greek philosopher, Heraclitus, is attributed with saying, “The only constant in life is change.” Dr. Ken Blanchard uses the metaphor of “permanent whitewater (Blanchard, 2018, p. 209).” Both are so true! Therein lies an irony. Change is constant and forever, yet people continue to resist it, personally and organizationally. Just as 80 percent of […]

Society Lies And Confuses

It’s common for us to be influenced by societal norms and expectations. We often allow others to determine what is considered “cool” or acceptable, forgetting that everyone has unique preferences. Unfortunately, this can result in a lack of individuality and even judgment toward those who don’t fit the mold. I think it’s time to challenge […]

Finally Time For Phage Therapy?

Is it finally time for phage therapy? Antibiotic resistance is a major concern as more people develop antibiotic-resistant bacterial or fungal infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that over 2.8 million Americans are currently dealing with these infections. However, that number is likely underreported. Clearly, the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance […]

The Danger of Authority Bias and Social Proof Regarding Leadership Advice

Leadership is a crucial aspect of any organization or community. It involves guiding, directing, and motivating others to achieve a common goal. However, not all leadership advice is created equal. Some advice, known as pseudo-leadership advice, can be detrimental to individuals and organizations. Pseudo-leadership advice can take many forms, from motivational quotes and slogans to […]