Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

The REAL Southern Poverty Law Center


The Southern Poverty Law Center issues an annual list of what they believe to be anti-government and extremist groups across the United States. But before we address the list itself, let us ask ourselves, “what is the SPLC exactly?” They coin themselves as an American legal advocacy organization for civil rights causes. And according to The Washington Post, they are described as a “civil rights organization.” But is this true?

I want you to consider the term “civil rights” for a moment. The term is actually defined as “the rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.” That would mean political and social freedom and equality for both the Left and Right, correct?

Is that something they really want? Or is it more about political and social freedom and equality… from their viewpoint? Actions, I’m sure, will speak louder than words, but let’s explore this.

Their website says that they are “the premiere U.S. organization monitoring the activities of domestic hate groups and other extremists – including the Ku Klux Klan, the neo-Nazi movement, neo-Confederates, racist skinheads, black separatists, anti-government militias, Christian Identity adherents and others.

I’m sure there are a few headings that should be added, but we’ll skip that for now. So they list all these groups that they THINK are involved in anti-government activities. A lot of people look at these lists for reference. People like liberal Floyd Corkins II, who logged on to the SPLC website to find a target. And on that site, Floyd found the conservative Family Research Council (FRC). Then he violently attacked their Washington, D.C. headquarters in 2012 by opening fire on them with the mission to kill “as many people as possible.”

But was Floyd justified in his actions? What is the FRC exactly, and why was this organization on the SPLC’s list? As it turns out, the FRC is a non-profit conservative Christian lobbying organization dedicated to defending religious liberty, the unborn & families. So why were they on the list?

Did their members shoot up some group of kids at a school or theatre? Were their members participating in some racist rally? Do they advocate a violent communist takeover of the government? Did their members fly a plane into a federal building?

Nope. I couldn’t find a single story about some atrocity committed by this group, let alone any radical connections. They voice their opinions and legally lobby to affect change. As far as I can tell, they have broken zero laws and have not engaged in “hate speech” or “anti-government” speech of any kind. Interesting, right? Was this unfair targeting? Perhaps.

But what I also find interesting is that when you look through the SPLC’s list, you see a whole bunch of keywords like “Constitution,” “Patriot,” “Oath Keepers,” “We the People,” “Tea Party,” and so on. These groups are (according to the SPLC) “anti-government” groups. This is suspicious, though, because even their names suggest otherwise – considering they are throwbacks to sound government. And if you can believe it, their list also includes the John Birch Society and KrisAnne Hall specifically. In fact, the SPLC once named Dr. Ben Carson as an extremist but later retracted it after the backlash. Forgetting their names for a moment, are all these people really “anti-government“?

Even the most basic of searches reveals the opposite. It seems that these folks are actually PRO – GOVERNMENT. These groups are just pro-government-that-adheres-to-constitutionally-authorized-functions. But for clarity, this basically defines equality, unalienable rights, and civil liberties. So what’s the problem?

The problem is that these groups voice their want to restore popular sovereignty, limited government, separation of powers, checks and balances, judicial review, and even Constitutionally aligned Federalism – a system of government where sovereignty is constitutionally divided between a central governing authority and constituent political units (such as states or provinces), but where states hold power as defined under the 10th Amendment. You know… like the Constitution says it’s supposed to be.

And to be clear, the Constitution is the document that defines our government. Perhaps the SPLC doesn’t like our government or how it’s “supposed” to be. Well, let’s dig deeper to be sure.

For the most part, these groups also seem to embrace the freedom of religion and the right to self-protection, and they celebrate the fact that conservatives set slaves free and got rid of Jim Crow laws, and are against things like National Socialism. It suddenly seems unfair to be targeted and placed on such a list.

This makes me wonder if the Southern Poverty Law Center actually employs anyone who owns a dictionary or a history book. Sure, these positions tend to be conservative in nature, but maybe that’s the problem. So ask yourselves the following questions:

Have these groups ever engaged in mass shootings? Have they blown up federal buildings or openly praised serial killers like Charles Manson? Have they terrorized empowered blacks and whites? Have they shot a president? Nope, nope, nope, and nope. In fact, these kinds of actions were carried out by liberals. Ironically, quite a few of the groups listed on the SPLC site want to fight against terrorists and people who commit such acts or even break the law. So why does the SPLC demonize them? Is it “agenda“?

There are a few groups that the SPLC probably should have listed as hate groups or anti-American-government groups. Think about all the democratic liberal socialists out there. They claim to hate our government so badly that they want to overthrow our Constitutional Federalism and replace it with Socialism. Isn’t that anti-American-government? And these people have a history of violence too.

I have already addressed radicals like Ayers and Dorhn, who blew up federal buildings, wanted to violently overthrow our government, and openly praised Charles Manson. We could talk about the KKK and its Democratic roots. And I believe I addressed Oswald’s socialist agenda and the murder of our President. But let’s update the list a bit.

Let’s talk about people like Amy Bishop (the University of Alabama in Huntsville shooting), the Harvard-educated liberal Obamamaniac. Andrew J. Stack (IRS building attack in Texas), the democrat. James J. Lee (environmental militant), the democrat. Nidal Hasan (Ft Hood Shooter), the democrat. Aaron Alexis (Navy Yard shooter), the liberal Obama supporter. Seung-Hui Cho (Virginia Tech shooter), the democrat who wrote hate mail to the President. James Holmes (Colorado Movie Shooter), the democrat. Or even Tyree Garland (a reputed anti-cop gang member who shot a firefighter), the “Young Democrats” activist. Do we see a trend? We could go on, of course.

For instance, if we really wanted to stir the pot, we could include liberal agents within our own government like former Democrat state Senator and anti-gunner Leland Yee, who was recently sentenced to five years in federal prison after pleading guilty to charges of racketeering and arms trafficking. Or we could talk about democrat Attorney General Eric Holder, who became the first sitting member of the Cabinet of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress for refusing to hand over documents about Operation Gun Runner – a program that purposely allowed licensed firearms dealers to sell more than 2,000 guns to suspected criminals thought to be linked to Mexican drug gangs – which ultimately led with the deaths of countless innocent cartel victims and the deaths of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata and U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

But notice the common themes. Still, these common themes are nowhere to be found on the SPLC’s website under any category. “Democrat” does not seem to be listed. “Liberal” wasn’t on the list. And I didn’t see “Socialists” or “Sander Supporters” on there, either. But that might be unfair if they were, right? After all, we wouldn’t want to call these people out arbitrarily, would we? So why do it to conservatives, and why do people allow it?

Now, I don’t know about you, but something seems a little “off” with the SPLC. If “political and social freedom and equality” is really their focus, and they really want an honest and professional list of “anti-government” groups, then why do they seem so dead-set on listing so many conservatives who don’t actually hate the government? Are they simply seeking to silence conservative viewpoints? It would seem as though that is most likely the case. But why?

Here is what we know to be true about the SPLC. The Southern Poverty Law Center is a politically FAR-Left legal and activist organization. Their liberal actions seem to include supporting criminal immigration (breaking the law) and smear campaigns against Freedom-loving American Conservatives who support things like the Bill of Rights and the Constitution – tools of true political and social freedom and equality and tools which ultimately undermine socialist agendas.

Clearly, the SPLC is biased. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why the Federal Bureau of Investigation scrubbed the Southern Poverty Law Center from its hate crimes webpage. Or maybe that’s why The Social Contract (a public policy journal) said that the SPLC used “ritual defamation” as a weapon “to advance a far-left agenda…” I wouldn’t put a link on my site either because I believe I have demonstrated that they are unreliable and excessively biased with an obvious agenda.

Shame on the SPLC.
