Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: government

Redistribution & Socialism – Consider This

Redistribution and socialist ideas seem to be gaining popularity lately. Much of this could be blamed on poor education, especially regarding history. But ponder this: “is it ethical or not… to take something from someone and give it to another?“ In order to address this in the manner most logical, one must remove the emotional side […]

The Timeline of Colonial Resistance

It has come to my attention that quite a few have forgotten the timelines regarding American history – at least in regard to colonial resistance. There are also some forgotten steps regarding why the colonists were so angry. I want to convey to you today that there was a build-up of anger that spanned roughly […]

Chemtrails? You should know about GeoEngineering

What are Chemtrails? Are they real? Despite the abundance of public evidence to demonstrate a very real and definitive answer, this debate rages on. Every once in a while, arguments will spring up on social media over this topic, and it is usually rooted in the idea that someone knows a pilot in the family who has […]

My American Vision

It sure is funny how so many different lessons can be received and applied, many of which I can only assume were not intended in the first place. As you know, I study a lot. And as a result of the extensive research that I have performed over the past few weeks, there are numerous […]

Cutting the Mass Media Cord

The average American watches 153 hours of television a month, most of that is via mass media. That’s 6.375 straight days’ worth of television. That’s a lot of “programming.” Parents are often quick to let the television do their babysitting, and the truth is that many are not reviewing the propaganda being forced into their […]

Expert Testifies About the Right to Overthrow Government

Expert testifies about the right to overthrow the government? Sitting before a congressional committee, Michael Cannon (the Director of Health Policy Studies at the Cato Institute) hesitantly stated, “There is one last thing to which the people can resort if the government does not respect the restraints that the constitution places on the government. Abraham […]