Leadership and ethics go hand in hand. I am a fan of analogies, so I present the following: perhaps ethics are the proverbial horse to the leadership carriage. Leadership cannot move without the ethical horse to pull it and/or guide it. Imagine having a stallion pulling a decrepit carriage or possibly even a sickly horse […]
Today we use the movie “The Guardian” as a leadership lesson, specifically, the “Phases of Transition.” If you haven’t seen the movie, I recommend watching it either before or after reading this, but it’s not entirely necessary. The lesson will become evident. So in the movie, the relationship between Ben Randall and Jake Fischer started […]
Let me attempt to convey my personal understanding of a few critical terms and concepts and their application in a professional and even personal environment. It is my contention that having a strong handle on verbiage is vital when one attempts critical analysis or decision-making. In regard to Knowledge Management or Knowledge-Based Decision-Making, there is […]
There are three highly critical components of outstanding leadership. While they may appear extremely simple at first glance, they can also be highly complex at the same time. I contend that these elements may take some practice to master and that the time you invest is more than worth it. These three components are thought, decision-making, […]
When asked what leader influenced the failure of an organization or large group because of the change that they influenced, no other leader comes to mind stronger than Woodrow Wilson. Thomas Woodrow Wilson was a leader who largely influenced many changes that would eventually result in what I would call “the ultimate failure of America.” […]
It is essential to understand pseudo-transformational leadership for numerous reasons, but none more important than identifying when we are being manipulated or deceived. This is, of course, a position based on opinion. Still, the fact remains that such knowledge can keep you from falling victim to a leader’s selfish ambitions and may even be able […]
Knowledge Management is critical when we consider crafting or communicating organizational vision, mission, goals, objectives, and strategies. Knowledge Management is the creation, compilation, and dissemination of the vital aspects of the preceding. It can be the defining factor of perception inside and outside the organization itself. Knowledge Management initiatives in this regard can solidify or […]
Let’s discuss Espoused Theory VS Theory-in-Use. What follows is a rundown of In Theory versus In reality regarding how we look at the world and how we should operate in it. As leaders, it is important not to project our position onto our followers and expect the same outcomes or results as we would have […]
We all face specific leadership challenges. For instance, some people are deathly afraid to admit they are not perfect, weak, or lack confidence. I wanted to take a second to challenge these ideas in your head if you harbor them, especially regarding your leadership capabilities. There are numerous examples that I could provide to demonstrate […]
Executive Summary Walmart saw a growth rate of just over 10% between 2008 and 2014, but that pales in comparison to competitors like Amazon, which boasts a growth rate of over 230% in that same time. This might have something to do with the lack of investment in innovations to solve problems that customers repeatedly have. The […]