Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: leadership

The Power of Problem Perception

The word “problem” has a few definitions. What most people associate with “problem” is a situation, matter, or person that is hard to deal with or understand. However, if this is you, I would challenge you to see the “problem” as nothing more than a question to be considered, solved, or answered. This perspective reframes […]

An Advanced Decision-Making Model

You may have heard that decision-making is an art. In many ways, that is true, but it doesn’t have to be. I would argue that it can and likely should be strategic. Making informed decisions is crucial in both personal and professional realms. However, the decision itself is not all we must worry about. After […]

Leveraging Game Theory in Leadership

A big part of personal or organizational leadership is making pivotal decisions. Such decisions should be informed by strategic thinking, which (ideally) is informed by extensive knowledge and information (research). Strategic thinking and decision-making are crucial for any leader, and honing these abilities is paramount. Game theory can help! Game theory is a branch of […]

Thought Leadership Lost in a Sea of Repetition

Lately, I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone! In a week spent on social media (especially LinkedIn), one can’t help but notice a multitude of self-proclaimed “thought leaders” echoing identical sentiments. This phenomenon begs the question: how can supposedly original thinkers share the exact same ideas all the time? The truth lies in plain […]

The Erosion of Foundational Values is the Threat

At the core of every society lie foundational values: the bedrock principles, beliefs, and norms that define its identity and guide the behavior of its members. For centuries, these values have shaped the ethos of nations, providing a sense of continuity, unity, and purpose. This point is logical and likely makes sense to most. However, […]

Blanchard – Five Change Leadership Strategies

In his book Leading at a Higher Level, Dr. Ken Blanchard suggests that change is like “permanent whitewater (Blanchard, 2018, p. 209).” I agree. In other words, change is constant and sometimes hard to handle. Unfortunately, people tend to resist change because they are drawn toward consistency (Mounsher, 2017). Perhaps this is another clue as […]

Leaders Are Not Managers

Despite decades of research and countless books and articles written on the differences between management and leadership, confusion persists between these two critical roles in organizations. I’ll be blunt. Leaders are not managers. Or better said, Leadership is not management. This confusion is a critical issue, as it can lead to misunderstandings, misaligned expectations, and […]

Manipulating Chaos for Political Gain

The challenge of overlooking history lies in the risk of failing to discern the recurring patterns that it reveals. I have provided several articles on this phenomenon over the years, but there is another pattern that we should probably discuss. It is a pattern of tyrants and authoritarians and how they manipulate chaos for political […]

Strategic Leadership in a Nutshell

Let’s discuss the complex topic of strategic leadership and break it down into simple terms for easy understanding. Many times, the complexity of Strategic Leadership is underappreciated. This is a mistake because it is not as simple as some have tried to make it out to be. However, the individual steps can be broken down […]

Five Ideas to Help Develop Your Team Identity

Developing your group or team’s identity can be a challenge. This is especially true when your team is larger and more diverse. However, some things can be done to establish and foster a cohesive group identity. These are to enhance social support, increase the proximity of the members, increase the group’s distinctiveness, create a culture […]