Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: leadership

Coaching and Mentorship

When I applied for the job, I had no idea I would be standing face-to-face with the man who would ultimately turn my life around by providing me with the mentorship I so desperately needed. I was surprised I even got the job. I was young, cocky, and extremely inexperienced. I got the call, though, […]

Beware of Self-Serving Bias

Self-serving bias is a cognitive or perceptual process distorted by the need to maintain and enhance self-esteem or the tendency to perceive oneself in an overly favorable manner. Unfortunately, it is all too common. Regarding Organizational leadership, it can be detrimental. From a leadership point of view, self-serving bias is when a person or organization […]

Can Leadership Development Really Work?

Executives continually rank leadership development as a top priority. Unfortunately, there is no doubt that many leadership development programs out there simply fail in their promise of actually developing leaders. So what’s really going on? The sad truth is that too many programs only focus on leadership theory alone and usually only in an organizational […]

The GrassFire Proposal Model

The GrassFire Proposal Model (GF Proposal Model) is a suggestion that I provide to my students regarding organizational communication, problem identification and evaluation, and resolution exploration. Follow your organization’s formatting expectations and norms regarding layout. Step 1: Provide your proposal to leadership in a typed format. This is to ensure professionalism, legibility, and conciseness. Additionally, […]

Using Leadership as a Buzzword – Just Don’t

Do you want to devalue what leadership stands for? Are you seeking to deflate the term and blur the lines of what you’re looking for or what your organization does? Are you looking to ensure that your credibility is shot with great candidates? If any of these things sound like what you’re looking for, then […]

Leadership Skills, Abilities and Followers

Scrolling through LinkedIn, I came across an article on leadership that posed the question of the meaning of leadership and some of the skills a leader might need. As a leadership professional, I often review opinions and perspectives. This is especially true when such articles are written by those who have not exactly studied leadership […]

Choosing a Leadership Development Instructor

You’ve gotta love the topic of Leadership Development! There seems to be no end to the number of books and gurus trying to stake their claim of expertise or special insight. Due to this noise, choosing the right Leadership Development Instructor can be a confusing and complicated task. Making matters worse is that there are […]

The Importance of Follow Up

I have seen plenty of articles addressing the importance of follow-up with customers. That is true, and I do not mean to take away from that fact when I say, “of course… that’s a no-brainer”. However, I believe that a little more focus should be placed on business setting follow-up. In my experience, too many […]

The Benefits of Leadership Development and Training

Ever thought about enrolling in Leadership Development and Training? One of the most unfortunate mindsets I have encountered in this country is the idea that graduation equals an end to the learning journey. It is a heartbreaking mindset; it is all the evidence I need to understand why there are so many unsuccessful people. Up […]

Bravery & Leadership – You Need One For The Other

Perhaps we should give some serious thought to the idea of leadership. There are hundreds of great books and thousands of great articles on the topic, each discussing many different elements of what makes a leader, good or bad. Unfortunately, so few discuss what I consider essential elements of any leadership idea or role. Let’s […]