Beyond the Told

by Dr. David M Robertson

Tag: online learning

Avoid The Flashy When Developing an Online Course

If you have (or are considering putting together) an online course, it can be tempting to go overboard with content or flashy elements. However, that may not be in either your, or your student’s, best interests. Here are a few things to consider. Flashy is defined as ostentatiously attractive or impressive (Lexico, 2020). In other […]

Does Technology Improve Learning at a Distance

Does technology improve learning at a distance? That is a great question! However, such a question is not easily answered. Think about it. When we look at the world “improve,” we could be talking about the ability, the level, the quality, or even the amount actually learned. Setting aside clear hindrances such as physical education […]

The Internet and Distance Education

Online versus traditional education. Which is best? I have seen many debates over this. However, the truth might just surprise you. First, let’s examine the word “education.” Education is really just an enlightening experience through the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction on a given subject (Education, 2020). It boils down to transferring information […]

Do Learning Management Systems Limit Creativity?

Do Learning Management Systems (LMS) limit creativity? That’s a tough and opinion-based question to answer. However, to fully answer this question and understand what is at stake, we must first understand creativity itself. Creativity is the ability to solve problems, envision, create ideas or alternatives, or create something original or unusual (Morr, 2019). Often associated […]